Haskell - Lisp-like symbol functionality -
i wrote lisp function while matched nested lists of symbols against other lists. worked this:
(match '(a b c) '(1 2 3)) => ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)) (match '(a b (c d)) '(1 (2 3) (4 5))) => ((a 1) (b (2 3)) (c 4) (d 5))
i trying achieve similar functionality in haskell. looking allows readable symbols used in indexing results. use integers, lists involved tended bit unreadable that. there easy symbol type in haskell?
i have come across data.atom.simple, want less awkward that.
i don't have knowledge lisp don't know if setting variables or creating associative array.
you - set variables:
main data.tree> let (node ((node b []):c:[])) = node 'a' [node 'b' [],node 'c' []] *main data.tree> 'a' *main data.tree> b 'b' *main data.tree> c node {rootlabel = 'c', subforest = []}
but i wouldn't recommend it - matching on lists unsafe , far knowledge concerned don't know "safe" pattern matching result in maybe x
if want have associative array, can use function this
aux :: ord k => tree k -> tree v -> map k v aux b = fromlist (go b) go :: tree k -> tree v -> [(k,v)] go (node k kk) (node v vv) = (k,v):(concat $ zipwith go kk vv)
note: function works if trees have same structure
atree = node 'a' [node 'b' [],node 'c' []] btree = node 1 [node 2 [],node 3 []] ctree = node 1 [node 2 [],node 3 [], node 4 []] ghci> aux atree btree fromlist [('a','1'),('b','2'),('c','3')] ghci> aux atree ctree fromlist [('a','1'),('b','2'),('c','3')]
so see function cuts node 4 []
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