html - IE wrapper div takes original full height of svg image when using max-width -

when use max-width property on svg image, svg's height reduced maintain aspect ratio. if it's wrapped in div, wrapper takes image's original full height. fiddle

the problem present in ie, works fine in other browsers. solutions fix this?


<div class="wrapper">     <svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 174 174"><g fill="#715f6a"><path d="m113.72 95.354c-.477.516-1.11.808-1.85.95-.222.047-.443.02-.66.02-.97 0-1.87-.258-2.508-.943-.802.14-1.455.62-1.725 1.62h8.472c-.275-1-.928-1.507-1.73-1.646z"/><path d="m87.28 1.105c-47.535 0-86.07 38.536-86.07 86.072s38.535 86.07 86.07 86.07c47.537 0 86.072-38.534 86.072-86.07 0-47.536-38.535-86.072-86.07-86.072zm9.438 45.412a8.808 8.808 0 0 1 8.81 8.81c0 4.867-3.944 8.813-8.81 8.813-4.867 0-8.81-3.947-8.81-8.813a8.81 8.81 0 0 1 8.81-8.81zm-29.123-.003c4.867 0 8.813 3.944 8.813 8.81a8.814 8.814 0 0 1-8.813 8.813c-4.866 0-8.81-3.947-8.81-8.813a8.81 8.81 0 0 1 8.81-8.81zm106.93 128h-.002a4.65 4.65 0 0 1-4.664-4.65l-.004-6.35h9.33l.003 6.344a4.658 4.658 0 0 1 106.93 128zm124 116h98v97h6.62c.286-2 1.528-3.25 3.142-3.748-1.072-5.357-3.69-13.638-4.392-15.438-.702-1.796-2.014-1.245-1.075.486 1.384 3.3 2.99 8.896 4.145 14.418-1.27.66-2.235 1.282-2.713 3.282h-2.22c-1.594-1-2.883-2.412-3.315-4.428l-1.67-7.89c-2.284 2.4-5.79 3.516-11.45 3.815a3.398 3.398 0 0 1-3.207 2.234 3.29 3.29 0 0 1-.467-.044c-7.228-.988-11.28-2.637-13.735-5.503l66.12 91.38c-.497 2.322-2.125 3.808-4.054 4.575l-.017 27.767a4.665 4.665 0 0 1-4.665 4.665 4.67 4.67 0 0 1-4.665-4.67l.02-29.35c-1.84-1.564-2.972-3.84-2.43-6.38l4.077-18.835c.758-3.543 4.35-5.15 7.4-5.15h.026s1.075-.174 2.004 0c.968.186 1.82.564 1.82.564 2.248 1.09 4.398 3.3 4.664 4.424 1.102 7.207 2.404 8.71 1.004 1.164 2.9 1.99 6.12 2.647a3.408 3.408 0 0 1 2.907-1.644c5.33 0 8.3-.537 9.618-1.74 1.28-1.166 1.874-3.814 2.47-7.995.018-.14.064-.266.096-.4.266-2.736 2.417-4.99 4.664-6.082 0 0 .848-.465 1.82-.65.93-.18 2-.182 2-.182l.027-.003c3.054.09 5.503 1.79 6.263 5.332 0 0 5.35 20.998 5.785 1.044 1.633.484 2.894 1.758 3.182 3.758h124v116z"/></g></svg>   </div> 


svg {   max-width: 50px;   height: auto; }  .wrapper {   background-color: #ddd; } 


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