Verilog : How to assign values to 2 random indexes in a big array? -

i have array made like

genvar p;     generate         (p = 0 ; p < 128 ; p = p + 1)             begin                 assign fft_bin_th1[p] = (array_x[p] > threshold_1)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;              end     endgenerate 

the array fft_bin_th1 contain 4 ones @ random locations after statement. after doing operations 2 values of indexes , lets 23 , 42 (they random). these 1s in fft_bin_th1 array. want assign these 2 indexes (23 , 42) value 0 , rest of array fft_bin_th1 should same. how can this?

from can understand looking code

always@(posedge clk)  begin   index_1 <= logic_to_get_index1;   index_2 <= logic_to_get_index2;     fft_bin_th1[index_1] <= 0;   fft_bin_th1[index_2] <= 0; end 



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