where to put a php file in cpanel which would serve my form in html -

i'm using hostgator cpanel , domain. created website using html , in use contact form on submit goes php file , sends me email.

it works on amazon webserver don't know put php files in hostgator cpanel. should install php config somewhere , put there?

thanks in advance.

here php code <?php require 'phpmailer/phpmailerautoload.php';  $name = $_post['inputusername'];  $email_address = $_post['inputemail'];  $message = $_post['inputcontent'];   $mail = new phpmailer;  //$mail->smtpdebug = 2; $mail->issmtp();                                      // set mailer use smtp $mail->host = 'smtp.gmail.com';  // specify main , backup smtp servers $mail->smtpauth = true;                               // enable smtp authentication $mail->username = 'krishnakumar4315@gmail.com';                 // smtp username $mail->password = 'password';                           // smtp password $mail->smtpsecure = 'tls';                            // enable tls encryption, `ssl` accepted $mail->port = 587;                                    // tcp port connect  $mail->setfrom('something@gmail.com', 'krishna');  $mail->addaddress('something@outlook.com', 'krishna');               // name optional  $mail->ishtml(true);                                  // set email format html  $mail->subject = 'message from: '.$name; $mail->body    = $message ." <b>email: </b>".$email_address; $mail->altbody = 'this body in plain text non-html mail clients';  if(!$mail->send()) {     echo 'message not sent.';     echo 'mailer error: ' . $mail->errorinfo; } else { header('location: http://www.krishdev.com');      } ?> 


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