visual studio - NuGet does not execute scripts when restoring packages -

nuget not execute scripts when restoring packages in project.

here's scenario: have project has custom nuget package installed. project has nuget package restore enabled solution. working flawlessly, tested multiple times getting project tfs onto empty folder.

i've added init.ps1 , install.ps1 nuget package, , package still fetched , installed properly, scripts not execute unless package installed manually.

to exact, if project tfs first time, neither init.ps1, nor install.ps1 executes.

however, if close solution , reopen it, init.ps1 executes (as expected), but, of course, install.ps1 still doesn't since package has been restored/installed.

both scripts execute when package installed/uninstalled manually (i.e. doesn't run if package "restored").

my internet searched haven't turned references behavior. missing obvious, or normal when packages restored?

the package restore feature used not packages checked source control. such thing pull down nuget packages ./solution/packages folder assembly paths , references can correctly resolved @ build. nuget not re-install part of restore, meaning not xml file transforms or run powershell install/uninstall scripts in restore.


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