java - multiple filter in openrdf sesame Model -

i filter model, triples has specific predicate , subject of type c. below code not return result, 1 has idea how implement it?

return triples.filter(null,  new uriimpl(property.getfulliri()), null).filter (null, rdf.type,new uriimpl(c.getfulliri())); 

the problem applying second filter on result of first - result of first filter only contains triples property on filtered - second filter can never return empty result (since no triple in intermediate result have rdf:type predicate).

since expressing secondary constraint 'non-sequential' in fashion, can not solve filtering alone. need construct new model , fill data go along. along these lines:

 // use valuefactory, avoid instantiating uriimpl directly.  valuefactory vf = valuefactoryimpl().getinstance();   uri c = vf.createuri(c.getfulliri());  uri prop = vf.createuri(property.getfulliri())   // create new model resulting triple collection  model result = new linkedhashmodel();   // filter on supplied property  model propmatches = triples.filter(null, prop, null);  for(resource subject: propmatches.subjects()) {      // check if selected subject of supplied type     if (triples.contains(subject, rdf.type, c)) {           // add type triple result           result.add(subject, rdf.type, c);            // add property triple(s) result            result.addall(propmatches.filter(subject, null, null));     }  }  return result; 

the above works sesame 2. if using sesame 4 (which supports java 8 , stream api), can more easily, so:

return ->            {               if (prop.equals(st.getpredicate()) {                    // add triple if subject has correct type                    return triples.contains(st.getsubject(), rdf.type, c));               } else if (rdf.type.equals(st.getpredicate())                            && c.equals(st.getobject()) {                    // add triple if subject has correct prop                    return triples.contains(st.getsubject(), prop, null);               }               return false;           }).collect(collectors.tocollection(linkedhashmodel::new));   


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