powershell - Get-Help format is different when calling it in a script -

i wondering why powershell get-help outputs following image when using script i've written. script's purpose display get-help information when selecting function array.

#run file in same directory functions file.  #this function validates user input function getinput {         {             $input = read-host "`n>enter function # see description"      }until(([int]$input -gt 0) -and ([int]$input -le $flist.count))      $input }  #include script want . "$psscriptroot\functions.ps1"  #this operates on loop. after viewing info, press key , prompted choose function. $quit = 0 while(!$quit){     #get functions     $f = @(get-content functions.ps1 | where-object { $_.startswith("function", "currentcultureignorecase") -and (-not $_.contains("#")); $c++} | sort-object)       "there " + $f.count + " functions!"      #split on ' ', second word (function name), add array     $flist = @{}     $i = 0     foreach($line in $f){         $temp = $line.split(' ')         $temp[1]         $i++         $flist.add($i, $temp[1])     }      #print, order ascending     $flist.getenumerator() | sort -property name      #accept user input     $input = getinput      #get-help chosen function     "get-help " + $flist[[int]$input]     get-help add-adgrouptolocalgroup | format-list     #get-help $flist[[int]$input] -full     get-command $flist[[int]$input] -syntax     pause } 

the target script $psscriptroot\functions.ps1 has bunch of functions in it. script doing this:

  • list functions found within target file.
  • put name in indexed array
  • prompt user function get-help on, @ given index
  • print get-help , get-syntax on selected function

each function has <#.synopsis .description ... etc #> comment block in (you can see function's details--from function's comment help-block--in provided image). if run get-help on function within target script, appears formatted normally--but that's not case when using script i've written.

what bothering me @{text = 'stuff'} formatting, etc. ahead of time!

my script's get-help output

you're piping output of get-help through format-list. "overrides" default formatting ps on pscustomobject (in ps 3.0 @ least) get-help creates. should able invoke get-help , not pipe it. if doesn't work, pipe through out-default.

see help about_format more details.


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