Python CSV reader return Row as list -

im trying parse csv using python , able index items in row can accessed using row[0], row[1] , on.

so far code:

def get_bitstats():     url = ''     data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()     dictreader = csv.dictreader(data)     obj = bitdata()     row in dictreader:          obj.datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(row['0'])/1000000)         q = db.query(bitdata).filter('datetime', obj.datetime)         if q != none:             raise valueerror(obj.datetime + 'is in database')         else:             obj.price = row['1']             obj.amount = row['2']             obj.put() 

this returns keyerror: '0' , have no idea how set up. did input interactive shell , when running

for row in dictreader:     print row 

i output:

{'1': '3'} {'1': '6'} {'1': '2'} {'1': '6'} {'1': '9'} {'1': '8'} {'1': '6'} {'1': '4'} {'1': '4'} {'1': '', none: ['']} {'1': '4'} {'1': '2'} {'1': '.'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '5'} {'1': '7'} {'1': '1'} {'1': '6'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '', none: ['']} {'1': '0'} {'1': '.'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '1'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '5'} {'1': '4'} {'1': '2'} {'1': '5'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '0'} {'1': '1'} {'1': '3'} {'1': '6'} {'1': '2'} {'1': '6'} {'1': '9'} {'1': '8'} {'1': '6'} {'1': '4'} {'1': '4'} 

and on , on thousands , thousands of lines. ( im sure csv thousands of digits)

why csv printing way , there anyway separate row list of 3 ints such [130534543, 47.00009, 23001.9000]


as answer states using wrong csv function in code above though fixing gave me list list in same format dict such that:

['1'] ['2'] ['1'] ['3'] ['8'] ['3'] ['5'] . . . 

it turns out had remove .read() data = urllib.urlopen(url).read().

csv.reader return each row list

reader = csv.reader(data)  line_list in reader:    pass    # line_list list of data contained in row can access line_list[0] 


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