Angular 2 Meteor change route reactively -

i'm playing angular2 , meteor (i'm new both) , i'd change route if can find document in collection. read in angular 2 meteor tutorial class meteorcomponent has methods subscribe , autorun i'm trying use methods job done (not sure if best way - didn't remove autopublish). right isn't working. component is:

import {view, oninit, component} 'angular2/core' import {meteorcomponent} 'angular2-meteor' import {navbar} 'client/navbar/navbar' import {fakeplayground} 'client/intro/fake-playground/fake-playground' import {playerlist} 'client/player-list/player-list' import {playerservice} 'client/player/player-service' import {player} 'client/player/player' import {protecteddirective} 'client/directives/protected-directive' import {sentinvitation} 'client/invitation/sent-invitation' import {receivedinvitation} 'client/invitation/received-invitation' import {invitations} 'lib/invitations' import {router} 'angular2/router'  @component({   selector: 'intro' }) @view({   templateurl: 'client/intro/intro.html',   directives: [     navbar,     playerlist,     fakeplayground,     protecteddirective,     sentinvitation,     receivedinvitation   ] }) export class intro extends meteorcomponent implements oninit {   currentplayer: player   invitation: mongo.cursor<object>    constructor(     public playerservice: playerservice,     private _router:router   ) {     super()   }    getinvitation() {     this.subscribe('invitations', () => {       this.invitation = invitations.find({$or: [         {$and: [           {"sender._id": this.currentplayer._id},           {status: 1}         ]},         {$and: [           {"recipient._id": this.currentplayer._id},           {status: 1}         ]}       ]})       this.autorun(() => {         console.log('autorun')          if(this.invitation){           console.log('game started')           this._router.navigate(['game'])         }       })     })   }    getplayer() {     this.currentplayer = this.playerservice.getcurrentplayer()   }    ngoninit() {     this.getplayer()     this.getinvitation()   } } 

and in fantasy getinvitation() called in ngoninit should subscribe 'invitations' collection , autorun() should check if document found , if it's found should change route. i'm not getting errors neither route change. should right way change route reactively collection change?

well, using this.autorun() worng way. simpler:

import {view, oninit, component} 'angular2/core' import {meteorcomponent} 'angular2-meteor' import {navbar} 'client/navbar/navbar' import {fakeplayground} 'client/intro/fake-playground/fake-playground' import {playerlist} 'client/player-list/player-list' import {playerservice} 'client/player/player-service' import {player} 'client/player/player' import {protecteddirective} 'client/directives/protected-directive' import {sentinvitation} 'client/invitation/sent-invitation' import {receivedinvitation} 'client/invitation/received-invitation' import {invitations} 'lib/invitations' import {router} 'angular2/router'  @component({   selector: 'intro' }) @view({   templateurl: 'client/intro/intro.html',   directives: [     navbar,     playerlist,     fakeplayground,     protecteddirective,     sentinvitation,     receivedinvitation   ] }) export class intro extends meteorcomponent implements oninit {   currentplayer: player    constructor(     public playerservice: playerservice,     private _router:router   ) {     super()   }    getplayer() {     this.currentplayer = this.playerservice.getcurrentplayer()   }    ngoninit() {     this.getplayer()     this.autorun(() => {       if (invitations.findone({         $or: [           {$and: [{"sender._id": this.currentplayer._id},{status: 1}]},           {$and: [{"recipient._id": this.currentplayer._id},{status: 1}]}         ]       })) {         this._router.navigate(['game'])       }     })   } } 


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