Extended list comprehension options - Python -

i use example of code project euler exercise.

[(a, b, c) in range(1, 334) b in range(1, 334) c in range(1,334) if c == 1000 - - b , < b  , b < c , a**2 + b**2 == c**2] 

i know little list comprehensions wondering if there way imply a, b, c ints > 0 , want increment them

two pseudo code examples might like:

[(a, b, c) > 0 b > c > b if c == 1000 - - b] [(a, b, c) int(a) int(b) int(c) if c == 1000 - - b] 

is possible this?

here simplification approach:

[(a, b, 1000 - - b) in range(1, 332) b in range(a+1, 333)  if  a**2 + b**2 == (1000 - - b)**2] 
  • c fix, 1000 - - b no need make loop of values it.

  • you can start range of b range(a+1,333) dont have test if b>a

though wrong solution problem think


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