mysql - Error #1215 - Cannot add foreign key constraint -

i have generated sql script mysql workbench.

when try create database have "error 1215 1215 - cannot add foreign key constraint".

the problem seems last foreign key in last create table :

constraint `fk_tb_animation_option_col_debut` foreign key (`dt_ano_debut`) references `brest2016`.`tb_animation_option` (`dt_ano_debut`) on delete no action on update no action) 

this entire script:

-- mysql script generated mysql workbench -- 01/16/16 00:46:22 -- model: new model    version: 1.0 -- mysql workbench forward engineering  set @old_unique_checks=@@unique_checks, unique_checks=0; set @old_foreign_key_checks=@@foreign_key_checks, foreign_key_checks=0; set @old_sql_mode=@@sql_mode, sql_mode='traditional,allow_invalid_dates';  -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- schema brest2016 -- ----------------------------------------------------- create schema if not exists `brest2016` default character set utf8 ; use `brest2016` ;  -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `brest2016`.`tb_visiteur` -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_visiteur` (   `d_vi_code` int(3) not null auto_increment,   `v_vi_nom` varchar(45) not null,   `v_vi_prenom` varchar(45) not null,   `v_vi_email` varchar(45) not null,   `v_vi_telephone` varchar(45) null,   `dt_vi_debut` datetime not null,   `dt_vi_fin` datetime not null,   primary key (`d_vi_code`),   unique index `idvisiteur_unique` (`d_vi_code` asc),   unique index `email_unique` (`v_vi_email` asc)) engine = innodb;   -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `brest2016`.`tb_type_animation` -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_type_animation` (   `d_ty_code` int(3) not null auto_increment,   `v_ty_libelle` varchar(45) null,   primary key (`d_ty_code`)) engine = innodb;   -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `brest2016`.`tb_animation` -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_animation` (   `d_an_code` int(3) not null auto_increment,   `v_an_libelle` varchar(45) not null,   `v_an_lieu` varchar(45) not null,   `v_an_image` varchar(45) null,   `v_an_descriptif` varchar(45) null,   `d_an_priorite` varchar(45) not null,   `d_ty_code` int(3) null,   primary key (`d_an_code`),   unique index `idanimation_unique` (`d_an_code` asc),   index `fk_tb_type_animation_col_code_1_idx` (`d_ty_code` asc),   constraint `fk_tb_type_animation_col_code`     foreign key (`d_ty_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_type_animation` (`d_ty_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action) engine = innodb;   -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `brest2016`.`tb_option` -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_option` (   `d_op_code` int(3) not null auto_increment,   `v_op_libelle` varchar(45) not null,   primary key (`d_op_code`),   unique index `idoption_unique` (`d_op_code` asc)) engine = innodb;   -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `brest2016`.`tb_animation_option` -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_animation_option` (   `d_an_code` int(3) not null,   `d_op_code` int(3) not null,   `dt_ano_debut` datetime not null,   `dt_ano_fin` datetime not null,   `d_ano_places_max` int(3) not null,   `d_ano_duree` int(3) not null,   primary key (`d_an_code`, `d_op_code`, `dt_ano_debut`),   index `fk_tb_option_idx` (`d_op_code` asc),   constraint `fk_tb_animation_col_code`     foreign key (`d_an_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_animation` (`d_an_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action,   constraint `fk_tb_option_col_code`     foreign key (`d_op_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_option` (`d_op_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action) engine = innodb comment = 'association entre une animation et une option';   -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `brest2016`.`tb_administrateur` -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_administrateur` (   `d_ad_code` int(3) not null,   `v_ad_id` varchar(12) not null,   `v_ad_mdp` varchar(12) not null,   primary key (`d_ad_code`),   unique index `idadministrateur_unique` (`d_ad_code` asc),   unique index `v_ut_login_unique` (`v_ad_id` asc)) engine = innodb;   -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `brest2016`.`tb_reservation` -- ----------------------------------------------------- create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_reservation` (   `d_vi_code` int(3) not null,   `d_an_code` int(3) not null,   `d_op_code` int(3) not null,   `dt_ano_debut` datetime not null,   primary key (`d_vi_code`, `d_an_code`, `d_op_code`, `dt_ano_debut`),   index `fk_tb_animation_option_col_code_animation_idx` (`d_an_code` asc),   index `fk_tb_animation_option_col_code_option_idx` (`d_op_code` asc),   index `fk_tb_animation_option_col_debut_idx` (`dt_ano_debut` asc),   constraint `fk_tb_visiteur_col_code`     foreign key (`d_vi_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_visiteur` (`d_vi_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action,   constraint `fk_tb_animation_option_col_code_animation`     foreign key (`d_an_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_animation_option` (`d_an_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action,   constraint `fk_tb_animation_option_col_code_option`     foreign key (`d_op_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_animation_option` (`d_op_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action,   constraint `fk_tb_animation_option_col_debut`     foreign key (`dt_ano_debut`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_animation_option` (`dt_ano_debut`)     on delete no action     on update no action) engine = innodb;   set sql_mode=@old_sql_mode; set foreign_key_checks=@old_foreign_key_checks; set unique_checks=@old_unique_checks; 

the column named in foreign key must indexed.

create table if not exists `brest2016`.`tb_animation_option` (   `d_an_code` int(3) not null,   `d_op_code` int(3) not null,   `dt_ano_debut` datetime not null,   `dt_ano_fin` datetime not null,   `d_ano_places_max` int(3) not null,   `d_ano_duree` int(3) not null,   primary key (`d_an_code`, `d_op_code`, `dt_ano_debut`),   index `fk_tb_option_idx` (`d_op_code` asc),   index `dt_ano_debut_idx` (`t_ano_debut`), -- add line   constraint `fk_tb_animation_col_code`     foreign key (`d_an_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_animation` (`d_an_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action,   constraint `fk_tb_option_col_code`     foreign key (`d_op_code`)     references `brest2016`.`tb_option` (`d_op_code`)     on delete no action     on update no action) engine = innodb comment = 'association entre une animation et une option'; 


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