babeljs - Async function not getting hoisted in Babel 6 -

trying compile piece of code in babel 6

function a() {     return async function b() {         some.thing = c;         async function c() {}     } } 

the async function c supposed hoisted up, right? , on babel's online repl site:

... c = function c() {     ... }; some.thing = c; ... 

but on system compiles differently (and incorrectly):

... some.thing = c; c = (function () {     var ref = _asynctogenerator(regeneratorruntime.mark(function _callee() { ... 

here c defined variable , not getting hoisted, results in some.thing undefined

complete code gist

why difference on system? i'm using babel 6.3 presets: ['es2015', 'stage-0']

this known bug in babel 6. issue tracked in


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