ios - Issues with delivering chat messages to offline user -

i have issue delivering messages in chat when 1 of users goes "offline". when 1-on-1 chat initialized , 2 users chatting, messages being delivered , works great, when app of 1 of users goes background, other 1 keeps messaging. looks messages being sent, saved history , cache (i log it), when other users goes online , retrieves history — these messages not appear.

in logs see them coming delay after app restarts:

2013-03-13 01:14:42.983 myapp[2314:1103] qbchat/xmppstreamdidreceivemessage:  <message   xmlns="jabber:client" id="0" type="chat" from="" to=""> <body>i try again</body> <delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" from="" stamp="2013-03-13t07:58:14.455+0000"> 

entire messaging process built using code simplesample chat (also, not use push notifications yet).

can you, please, advise me on issue?

thank you.

update: after reinstalling app, message history user isn't retrieved, means, guess, history talking stored in cache. seems have issues in retrieving history server. have tried 'message.delayed = 1' in 'chatdidreceivemessage', didn't help.

you have logout chat when go background , login again when go foreground.

your messages received ok in case


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