Can Google Analytics track third party cookies? -

i've searched information if ga can track if specific third party cookie set in visitors web browser. , if so, if tracking data can used segmentation of data in reports.

ex: visitor x arrives website. third party cookie y has earlier been set in visitor x's web browser when he/she interacted web application. now, can ga track existence of cookie y , send tracking data analytics system use in reports? example segmentation of visitor behaviour.


a third party cookie cookie set on different domain. google analytics tracking code runs within context of own domain. scripts on own domain cannot read cookies other domains. no, default google analytic cannot track third party cookies.

there workarounds, imo work if owner of other domains cooperate (e.g. once built poor mans banner postview tracking adserver calling script on domain resolve cookie , return user id in jsonp response, built on infrastructure in place).


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