java - Hibernate/JPA - NullPointerException when accessing SingularAttribute parameter -

i'm trying use jpa2 type-safe criteria queries hibernate

... criteria.where( builder.equal( root.get(singularattribute.attr), value )); //where parameters //criteria.where( builder.equal( root.get(, "can" )); ... 

the root.get throw nullpointerexception. metamodel class person_ person generated org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.jpametamodelentityprocessor.

a similar problem asked in jpa/hibernate static metamodel attributes not populated -- nullpointerexception time both classes in same package.

stack trace:

java.lang.nullpointerexception @ org.hibernate.jpa.criteria.path.abstractpathimpl.get( 

my code:

interface use make sure have getid();.

package it.unibz.db.hibernate.model;  public interface modelinterface<pk extends serializable> extends serializable {     pk getid(); } 

model class

package it.unibz.db.hibernate.model;  @entity @table(name ="person") public class person implements modelinterface<integer> {     @id     private integer id;     private string name;      public integer getid() {         return id;     }     //other getter , setters } 

generated metamodel person_ class

package it.unibz.db.hibernate.model;  @generated(value = "org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.jpametamodelentityprocessor") @staticmetamodel(person.class) public abstract class person_ {      public static volatile singularattribute<person, string> name;     public static volatile singularattribute<person, integer> id;  } 

generic dao class inherit persondao

public class genericdao<e extends modelinterface<pk>, pk extends serializable> implements daointerface<e, pk> { private class<e> type;  public genericdao(class<e> type) {     this.type = type;     //called super(classname.class); eg. super(person.class); }  public list<e> readby(singularattribute column, string value) throws exception {     entitymanager em = hibernateutil.getentitymanager();     criteriabuilder builder = em.getcriteriabuilder();     criteriaquery<e> criteria = builder.createquery(type);     root<e> root = criteria.from(type);;     criteria.where( builder.equal( root.get(column), value ));     list<e> entitylist = em.createquery(criteria).getresultlist();     em.close();     return entitylist;     } } 

some of dependencies

  • hibernate-c3p0

  • hibernate-entitymanager

  • postgresql 9.4.1207.jre7

  • hibernate-jpamodelgen


running code in main method works

entitymanager em = hibernateutil.getentitymanager(); criteriabuilder builder = em.getcriteriabuilder(); criteriaquery<person> criteria = builder.createquery(person.class); root<person> root = criteria.from(person.class);; criteria.where( builder.equal( root.get(, "can" )); list<person> entitylist = em.createquery(criteria).getresultlist(); //do stuff entitylist 

but same code covered in method throws nullpointerexception.

public list<person> readby(singularattribute column, string value) throws exception {     log.debug("reading entity by");      entitymanager em = hibernateutil.getentitymanager();     criteriabuilder builder = em.getcriteriabuilder();     criteriaquery<person> criteria = builder.createquery(person.class);     root<person> root = criteria.from(person.class);;     criteria.where( builder.equal( root.get(column), value ));     list<person> entitylist = em.createquery(criteria).getresultlist();     em.close();     return entitylist; } 

so seems problem passing singularattribute parameter method readby(singularattribute column, string value).

i tested code in main , prints false

entitymanager em = hibernateutil.getentitymanager(); criteriabuilder builder = em.getcriteriabuilder(); criteriaquery<person> criteria = builder.createquery(person.class); root<person> root = criteria.from(person.class); system.out.println(root.get( == null); //false 

meanwhile throws invocationtargetexception caused nullpointerexception @ root.get(column).

//invoked persondao.test( main public void test(singularattribute column) {     entitymanager em = hibernateutil.getentitymanager();     criteriabuilder builder = em.getcriteriabuilder();     criteriaquery<person> criteria = builder.createquery(person.class);     root<person> root = criteria.from(person.class);     system.out.println(root.get(column) == null); //invocationtargetexception } 

is it's supposed do? how can pass singularattribute object method parameter?


if call hibernateutil.getentitymanager() in main before method call, somehow works. it works when call literally empty block of method init(). related initialization of classes?

public class hibernateutil {     private static entitymanagerfactory emfactory;     private static entitymanager em;     private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(hibernateutil.class);     private static final string persistence_unit = "pt";     static{"creating entity manager factory");         emfactory = persistence.createentitymanagerfactory(persistence_unit);     }     //calling main before persondao's method calls somehow works...     public void init(){} //does nothing     public static entitymanager getentitymanager(){         if(em != null && em.isopen()){             closeentitymanager();         }         log.debug("creating new entity manager");         em = emfactory.createentitymanager();         return em;     }     public static void close() throws exception {         if(em != null && em.isopen()){             closeentitymanager();         }"closing entity manager factory");         emfactory.close();     }     private static void closeentitymanager(){"closing last entity manager");         em.close();     } } 


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