php - dreamweaver regex $1 escape in replace -
got this:
<?php echo mage::helper('checkout')->formatprice($tax['amount_incl_tax'],true,true); ?>
and have change in this:
<?php echo preg_replace('/(.*)([\d]{2})([^\d].*)?$/','$1<span class="cents">$2</span>$3',mage::helper('checkout')->formatprice($tax['amount_incl_tax'],true,true)) ?>
using regex.
how escape $1 in replace?
ok question isn't clear.
i'm using dreamweaver manipulate php file.
i've got many strings ouput formatted price.
need add span tag style cents smaller rest.
need wrap each string in preg_replace() function.
stings need modify different got "formatprice" in it.
dreamweaver i'm goin modify strings using regex in find&replace.
new string contains "$1" , create conflict $1 dreamweaver backreference, need way escape it.
2 strings above in order example of got , should after find , replace.
i found work around this: php use \1 $1 backreference used setting in dramweaver find&replace:
- find:
- replace:
preg_replace('/(.*)([\d]{2})([^\d].*)?$/','\1<span class="cents">\2</span>\3',$1)
so don't need escape $1 anymore. still should interesting find out if there way use $1 in replace statment not backreference
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