magento product attribute return NULL after a getChildHtml call -
i using magento, have created childhtml takes care of reviews, looks like:
<catalog_product_view translate="label"> <reference name=""> <block type="review/product_view_list" name="productinfo.reviewinfo" as="hs_review" template="catalog\product\hs_review.phtml"></block> </reference> </catalog_product_view>
<?php $ratingsummary =mage::getmodel('rating/rating')->getentitysummary($_p->getid()); ?> <div class="review-container"> <?php if ($ratingsummary) { ?> <div class="w ratting"> <div class="rating-value" style="width: <?php echo $ratingsummary->getsum() / $ratingsummary->getcount(); ?>%"></div> </div> <div class="reviw-count w"> <span><?php echo $ratingsummary->getcount() ?> reviews</span> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="review-add w"> <a href="<?php echo mage::geturl('review/product/list', array('id'=> $this->getproduct()->getid(), 'category' => $this->getproduct()->getcategoryid() )); ?>">write review</a> </div> </div>
now strange thing happens in view.ptml when use
<?php var_dump( $_product->getshortdescription()); ?> <?php echo $this->getchildhtml('hs_review')?>
it dumps product short description , reviews when use
<?php echo $this->getchildhtml('hs_review')?> <?php var_dump( $_product->getshortdescription()); ?>
review works product short description return null
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