c# - how to get an enum from another script in unity -

i trying create win condition script pulling status of enum different script , stuff it.

crowd.cs  public enum crowdoptions {none, teama, teamb}; public crowdoptions crowd;  crowd = crowdoption.none; 

i have crowd doing bunch of stuff, lets set none.

winning.cs  if (crowd = crowdoption.none){      } else if (crowd = crowdoption.teama){      } else {    } 

i tried getcomponent , set result of of crowd newvariable, don't think did right

public crowdsway = gameobject.find("crowdmanager").getcomponent<crowdmanager>(); 

i tried

if (crowdmanager.crowd = crowdoptions.none) {         print("none");     } else {         print("hmmmmmm");     } 

that didn't work either.

in order access crowd enum variable in crowd.cs class script, script needs have instance of crowd object. example:

public class crowd : monobehaviour {     public enum crowdoptions {none, teama, teamb};     public crowdoptions crowdopts; }  public class winning : monobehaviour {     void start()     {         crowd mycrowd = new crowd();          if(mycrowd.crowdopts == crowdoptions.none)         {             //do         }      } } 

alternatively, make crowdoptions enum variable static. can access script name.

public class crowd : monobehaviour {     public enum crowdoptions {none, teama, teamb};     public static crowdoptions crowdoptions; }  public class winning : monobehaviour {     void start()     {         if(crowdoptions == crowd.crowdoptions.none)         {             //do         }      } } 


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