php - MAMP + Wordpress - Can't get local site to function -

i have installed mamp , trying local dev version of wordpress site running on computer.

i've gone through many tutorials explaining need change in wp-config.php , db i'm not able page function.

the siteurl & home fields in db have both been updated http://localhost/ , i've updated wp-config.php db username & password root.

i've set wp_debug: true bit of feedback might causing error , following when try go http://localhost/:

fatal error:  uncaught error:  call undefined function mysql_error() in /users/oldo/desktop/website development/clean cut concrete/mirror/public_html/  stack trace:  #0 /users/oldo/desktop/website development/clean cut concrete/mirror/public_html/ unitedbrev->checkforerrors('fetch')  #1 /users/oldo/desktop/website development/clean cut concrete/mirror/public_html/ unitedbrev->fetch('wp_revslider_se...')  #2 /users/oldo/desktop/website development/clean cut concrete/mirror/public_html/ revsliderparams->getfieldfromdb('general')  #3 /users/oldo/desktop/website development/clean cut concrete/mirror/public_html/ in /users/oldo/desktop/website development/clean cut concrete/mirror/public_html/ on line 29 

would have suggestion on how go fixing problem?

the question answered saqib amin in comments above, thought i'd post answer here it's obvious. pointed out me, mysql_* functions have been removed in php 7, changed mamp use php 5.6.10 , it's working.


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