c - Program prints out the same print statement twice -

my program working fine , want perfect. i've stumbled on problem when function runs, prints out same printf() statement twice.

let me show mean, how function looks (skipping main/prototypes)

void decision2(struct carddeck *deck) { char choice; int ess; printf("\n%s, have %d\n", deck->name2, deck->valueofsecondplayer); while (deck->valueofsecondplayer <= 21) {     if (deck->valueofsecondplayer == 21) {         printf("you got 21, nice!\n");         break;     }     if (deck->valueofsecondplayer < 21) {         printf("would hit or stand?\n");         scanf("%c", &choice);     }     if (choice == 'h' || choice == 'h') {         printf("you wish hit; here's card\n");         ess = printcards(deck);         if (ess == 11 && deck->valueofsecondplayer > 10)         {             ess = 1;         }         deck->valueofsecondplayer += ess;         printf("your total %d\n", deck->valueofsecondplayer);         if (deck->valueofsecondplayer > 21) {             printf("sorry, lose\n");         }     }     if (choice == 's' || choice == 's') {         printf("you wished stay\n");         break;     } } 


so thing in code thats weird part:

    if (deck->valueofsecondplayer < 21) {         printf("would hit or stand?\n");         scanf("%c", &choice);     } 

the output of program becoming this:

    k, have 4 hit or stand? hit or stand? h wish hit; here's card 6 of clubs total 10 hit or stand? hit or stand? h wish hit; here's card king of diamonds total 20 hit or stand? hit or stand? s wished stay 

as see, printf prints statement twice , can't figure out program honest, hope have solution , explanation why happening?

the problem here is, with

 scanf("%c", &choice); 

it reads stored newline (entered input buffer pressing enter key after first input) , performs 1 more iteration. should write

 scanf(" %c", &choice);  //note space here        ^^ 

to avoid newline.

to elaborate, leading space before %c ignores any number of leading whitespace character(s) [fwiw, newline whitespace character] , wait non-whitespace input.


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