php - Wordwrap will issue link src and img src -
<?=$postcontent = wordwrap($qry_post['content'], 67, "<br />", true);?>
if content has long link in it, or big code, halt @ part ,
it, result in html entity because of new line/
in src code.
any way fix this? thanks!
in comments manual wordwrap()
posted code snippet solve issue:
<?php function textwrap($text) { $new_text = ''; $text_1 = explode('>',$text); $sizeof = sizeof($text_1); ($i=0; $i<$sizeof; ++$i) { $text_2 = explode('<',$text_1[$i]); if (!empty($text_2[0])) { $new_text .= preg_replace('#([^\n\r .]{25})#i', '\\1 ', $text_2[0]); } if (!empty($text_2[1])) { $new_text .= '<' . $text_2[1] . '>'; } } return $new_text; } ?>
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