PHP find url in sa text and save in array -

i have txt file , want save in array urls starting http:// , ends .png or .jpg or .jpeg. how can that?

can use this?

<?php function geturls($string) {     $regex = '/https?\:\/\/[^\" ]+/i';     preg_match_all($regex, $string, $matches);     return ($matches[0]); }  $urls = geturls($string);  foreach($urls $url) {     echo $url.'<br />'; } ?> 

is correct?

the function showed not work because there's nothing specifying .png, .jpg, or .jpeg in regex. return first match: $matches[0]. additionally, needs /g flag find multiple instances in same string (/i ignores case).

try instead:

<?php function geturls($string) {     // \w word character     $regex = '/https?\:\/\/[\w]+\.(jpg|png|jpeg)/ig';     preg_match_all($regex, $string, $matches);     return ($matches); }  $urls = geturls($string);  foreach($urls $url) {     echo $url.'<br />'; } ?> 


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