android - StrictMode$InstanceCountViolation when changing orientation -

i have activity tabs , have problem when rotate device. when start e.g. app in portrait mode rotate landscape , again portrait app crashed , in logcat see:

android.os.strictmode$instancecountviolation: class com.example.myactivity; instances=2; limit=1 

this activity's oncreate() method:

mtabmanager = new tabmanager(this, mtabhost,,; mtabmanager.addtab(mtabhost.newtabspec(tab1_id).setindicator(indicator1), fragment.class, args, sendtype.send1); mtabmanager.addtab(mtabhost.newtabspec(tab2_id).setindicator(indicator2), fragment.class, args, sendtype.send2);  if (savedinstancestate != null || shouldsetcurrenttag) {     mtabhost.setcurrenttabbytag(currenttabtag); } 

fragment class - empty class extends sherlockfragment (i use actionbarsherlock).

here tabmanager class:

public static class tabmanager implements tabhost.ontabchangelistener {      private final fragmentactivity mactivity;     private final tabhost mtabhost;     private final int mcontainerid;     private final int mleftcontainerid;     private boolean misdualpane = false;     private final hashmap<string, tabinfo> mtabs = new hashmap<string, tabinfo>();     tabinfo mlasttab;      static final class tabinfo {          private final string tag;         private final string leftcontainertag;         private final class<?> clss;         private final bundle args;         private fragment fragment;         private fragment leftcontainerfragment;          tabinfo(string _tag, string _lefttag, class<?> _class, bundle _args) {             tag = _tag;             leftcontainertag = _lefttag;             clss = _class;             args = _args;         }     }      static class dummytabfactory implements tabhost.tabcontentfactory {          private final context mcontext;          public dummytabfactory(context context) {             mcontext = context;         }          @override         public view createtabcontent(string tag) {             view v = new view(mcontext);             v.setminimumwidth(0);             v.setminimumheight(0);             return v;         }     }      public tabmanager(fragmentactivity activity, tabhost tabhost,             int containerid, int leftcontainerid) {         mactivity = activity;         mtabhost = tabhost;         mcontainerid = containerid;         mleftcontainerid = leftcontainerid;         mtabhost.setontabchangedlistener(this);          view leftcontainerview = activity.findviewbyid(leftcontainerid);         misdualpane = leftcontainerview != null                 && leftcontainerview.getvisibility() == view.visible;     }      public void addtab(tabhost.tabspec tabspec, class<?> clss, bundle args,             sendtype sendtype) {         tabspec.setcontent(new dummytabfactory(mactivity));         string tag = tabspec.gettag();         string lefttag = tag + "_left";          if (misdualpane) {             if (args == null) {                 args = new bundle();             }              args.putint(boxtypefragment.extra_box_type, sendtype.ordinal());         }          tabinfo info = new tabinfo(tag, lefttag, clss, args);          // check see if have fragment tab,         // saved state. if so, deactivate it, because our         // initial state tab isn't shown.         info.fragment = mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager()                 .findfragmentbytag(tag);         if (info.fragment != null && !info.fragment.isdetached()) {             fragmenttransaction ft = mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager()                     .begintransaction();             ft.detach(info.fragment);             ft.commit();             mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager().executependingtransactions();         }          if (misdualpane) {             // if tablet, check if have left             // container fragment , detach             info.leftcontainerfragment = mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager()                     .findfragmentbytag(lefttag);             if (info.leftcontainerfragment != null                     && !info.leftcontainerfragment.isdetached()) {                 fragmenttransaction ft = mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager()                         .begintransaction();                 ft.detach(info.leftcontainerfragment);                 ft.commit();                 mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager()                         .executependingtransactions();             }         }          mtabs.put(tag, info);         mtabhost.addtab(tabspec);     }      @override     public void ontabchanged(string tabid) {         tabinfo newtab = mtabs.get(tabid);          if (mlasttab != newtab) {             fragmenttransaction ft = mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager()                     .begintransaction();              if (mlasttab != null) {                 if (mlasttab.fragment != null) {                     ft.detach(mlasttab.fragment);                 }                  if (misdualpane) {                     if (mlasttab.leftcontainerfragment != null) {                         ft.detach(mlasttab.leftcontainerfragment);                     }                 }             }              if (newtab != null) {                 if (newtab.fragment == null) {                     newtab.fragment = fragment.instantiate(mactivity,                             newtab.clss.getname(), newtab.args);                     newtab.fragment.sethasoptionsmenu(true);                     ft.add(mcontainerid, newtab.fragment, newtab.tag);                 } else {                     ft.attach(newtab.fragment);                 }                  if (misdualpane) {                     if (newtab.leftcontainerfragment == null) {                         newtab.leftcontainerfragment = fragment.instantiate(                                 mactivity, boxtypefragment.class.getname(),                                 newtab.args);                         ft.add(mleftcontainerid, newtab.leftcontainerfragment,                                 newtab.leftcontainertag);                     } else {                         ft.attach(newtab.leftcontainerfragment);                     }                 }             }              mlasttab = newtab;             ft.commit();             mactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager().executependingtransactions();         }     } } 

i tried delete static class , final activity variable, didn't help.

i think when rotate, activity should destroyed , recreated, there somewhere reference , cannot destroyed.

could me?

edit: created empty android application project 1 activity , application class set strict mode , same error. use strict mode:

public class strictmodewrapper { public static void init(context context) {     int appflags = context.getapplicationinfo().flags;      if ((appflags & applicationinfo.flag_debuggable) != 0) {         strictmode.setthreadpolicy(new strictmode.threadpolicy.builder()             .detectall()             .penaltylog()             .build());          strictmode.setvmpolicy(new strictmode.vmpolicy.builder()             .detectall()             .penaltylog()             .penaltydeath()             .build());     } } } 


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