javascript - How to directly bind two data properties into one control property using OData model? -
i using odata model bind ui controls gw services. in service metadata, there are, say, "firstname" , "lastname" in data structure. on ui, say, using label control.
now question how bind text property of label string of "fullname" (which "firstname"+"lastname") using odata model directly? if use json model, can create local variable, fullname = firstname + lastname
, , bind text property fullname. how using odata model?
additionally, can enable complex data binding in sap-ui-core.js:
<script src="resources/sap-ui-core.js" id="sap-ui-bootstrap" data-sap-ui-libs="sap.ui.commons,sap.ui.table,sap.ui.ux3" data-sap-ui-xx-bindingsyntax="complex"></script>
and use both properties:
var olabel = new sap.ui.commons.label({ text : "{firstname} {lastname}" });
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