java - Exiting method and main method do not work -

im making text based adventure game , i'm having trouble exiting game when player's health reaches 0. want exit method , main method , give game on message cant exit method without main looping. here's main method , code combat:

i have stats , running static variables

boolean running = true; printprogramdescription(); if(running != false) {  combat();  }  done(); //displays game-over , thank playing } //end of main method   public static int[] combat() throws exception {  random rand = new random();  string[] enemies = {"skeleton", "zombie", "ghost", "ghoul"}; string[] attackoptions = {"\t1. attack", "\t2. drink health potion", "\ away!"};  boolean run = false; int healthpotiondropchance = 30; //percentage  string enemy, strcombat, lowerstr; int enemyhealth, damagetaken, damagedealt; int maxenemyhealth = 60; int enemyattackdamage = 40;  system.out.println(""); system.out.println("============================");  enemyhealth = rand.nextint(maxenemyhealth) + 5; enemy = enemies[rand.nextint(enemies.length)]; system.out.println(""); system.out.println("\t# " + enemy + " has appeared! #\n");  while(enemyhealth > 0) {   system.out.println("\tyour hp: " + health);   system.out.println("\t" + enemy + "'s hp: " + enemyhealth);   system.out.println("\twhat do?");    for(int = 0; < attackoptions.length; ++)   {     system.out.println(attackoptions[i]);   }    strcombat = strinput.nextline();   lowerstr = strcombat.tolowercase();    if(lowerstr.equals("1") || lowerstr.equals("attack"))   {     damagedealt = rand.nextint(attackdamage);     damagetaken = rand.nextint(enemyattackdamage);      enemyhealth -= damagedealt;     health -= (damagetaken - armor);      system.out.println("\tyou attack " + enemy + " " + damagedealt + " damage.");     system.out.println("\tyou recieve " + damagetaken + " damage in retaliation!");     system.out.println("");      if(health < 1)     {       break;     }    }   else if(lowerstr.equals("2") || lowerstr.equals("drink health potion"))   {     healthpotion();   }   else if(lowerstr.equals("3") || lowerstr.equals("run away"))   {     damagetaken = rand.nextint(enemyattackdamage);     system.out.println("\tyou run away while doing so, take " + damagetaken + " damage!");     run = true;     break;   }   else   {     printwithdelays("invalid command!", timeunit.milliseconds, 50);     system.out.println("");      }  } if(health < 1) {   printwithdelays("\tyou have taken damage... cannot sustain wounds... drift off unconsciousness...", timeunit.milliseconds, 50);   running = false; } else if(run == true) {   system.out.println("\tthe " + enemy + " looses sight of , continue on (boring) adventure"); } else {   system.out.println("====================");   system.out.println(enemy + " defeated!");   system.out.println("you have " + health + " hp left.");   stats[0] = health;   if(rand.nextint(100) < healthpotiondropchance )   {     numhealthpotions ++;     system.out.println(enemy + " has dropped health potion!");     system.out.println("you have " + numhealthpotions + " health     potion(s) in inventory");      system.out.println("");     stats[1] = numhealthpotions;   } } return stats; 


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