javascript - How to multiply a function in a SetInterval on a addEventListener('click'); -
so made code (with of tutorial) , want create effect wherever click.
the code has to, every time click , call 'drawparticle'-function, process speeds , less particles been shown. think because call on multiple setintervals @ once while javascript single threaded. how can fix it?
var canvas, c, particles, particleindex, particlenum, w, h; window.onload =function(){ canvas = document.createelement("canvas"); c = canvas.getcontext("2d"); particles = {}; particleindex = 0; particlenum = 3; w = window.innerwidth; h = window.innerheight; canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; document.body.appendchild(canvas); c.fillstyle ="black"; c.fillrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); canvas.addeventlistener('click', drawparticle, false); }; function drawparticle(e){ function particle(){ this.x = e.clientx; this.y = e.clienty; this.vx = math.random() * 10 - 5; this.vy = math.random() * 10 - 5; this.gravity = 0.2; particleindex++; particles[particleindex] = this; = particleindex; = 0; this.maxlife = math.random() * 30 + 50; this.color = "rgb("+parseint(math.random()*255,10)+",0,0)"; } particle.prototype.draw = function(){ this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; if(math.random() < 0.1 ){ this.vx = math.random() * 10 - 5; this.vy = math.random() * 10 - 5; } //this.vy += this.gravity;; if( >= this.maxlife){ delete particles[]; } c.fillstyle = this.color; c.fillrect(this.x,this.y,10,10); }; interval = setinterval(function(){ //c.globalcompositeoperation ="source-over"; c.fillstyle ="rgba(0,0,0,0.3)"; c.fillrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); (var = 0; < particlenum; i++){ new particle(); } //c.globalcompositeoperation ="lighter"; (var in particles){ particles[i].draw(); } },30); };
i think you're correct interval. i'm not sure if reaction want if clear interval before redrawing, things don't speed up. try like:
var interval = null; function drawparticle(e){ if (interval) { clearinterval(interval) } function particle(){ ...
there's codepen here
i've changed code pen include new code included below. primary change make particles
object hold set of particles being drawn each click. moving collection of particles , particleindex
seems have solved issue. suspect there strange adding each element global particles
list. particles
instance manages particles associated group.
i took out particleid
because seemed unnecessary, though may need put in if it's useful other stuff out side of code.
here's updated code:
var canvas, c, particlenum, w, h; window.onload =function(){ canvas = document.createelement("canvas"); c = canvas.getcontext("2d"); particlenum = 3; w = window.innerwidth; h = window.innerheight; canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; document.body.appendchild(canvas); c.fillstyle ="black"; c.fillrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); canvas.addeventlistener('click', drawparticles, false); }; function particles() { this.particles = {}; this.particleindex = 0; } particles.prototype.addparticle = function(particle) { this.particles[++this.particleindex] = particle; } particles.prototype.killdeadparticles = function() { (var in this.particles) { var particle = this.particles[i]; if (particle.isdead()) { delete this.particles[i] } } } particles.prototype.draw = function() { // draw particles (var in this.particles){ this.particles[i].draw(); } this.killdeadparticles(); } function particle(e){ this.x = e.clientx; this.y = e.clienty; this.vx = math.random() * 10 - 5; this.vy = math.random() * 10 - 5; this.gravity = 0.2; = 0; this.maxlife = math.random() * 30 + 50; this.color = "rgb("+parseint(math.random()*255,10)+",0,0)"; // console.log('new particle', particleindex); } particle.prototype.isdead = function() { return ( >= this.maxlife); } particle.prototype.draw = function(){ this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; if(math.random() < 0.1 ){ this.vx = math.random() * 10 - 5; this.vy = math.random() * 10 - 5; } //this.vy += this.gravity;; c.fillstyle = this.color; c.fillrect(this.x,this.y,10,10); }; function drawparticles(e){ var particles = new particles(e); setinterval(function(){ //c.globalcompositeoperation ="source-over"; c.fillstyle ="rgba(0,0,0,0.3)"; c.fillrect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); (var = 0; < particlenum; i++){ var particle = new particle(e); particles.addparticle(particle); } //c.globalcompositeoperation ="lighter"; particles.draw(); },30); };
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