PHP email not sending in html format -

i trying php email send in html format, current email sending in code. not sure @ doing wrong.

does see anything?

ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(e_all);  $project_name           = $_post['project_name']; $title_roll             = $_post['title_roll']; $project_email          = $_post['project_email']; $project_number         = $_post['project_number']; $project_description    = $_post['project_description']; $project_source         = $_post['project_source']; $project_socialmedia    = $_post['project_socialmedia']; $project_humantest      = $_post['project_humantest'];  $to = 'email'; $subject = 'project inquiry form sent'; //$message = 'from: '.$project_name. "<br>" . ' email: '.$project_email. "<br>" . 'message: '.$project_description; //$msgcontents = "name: $project_name<br>email: $project_email<br>message: $project_description"; $message = '     <html>     <head>         <title>project inquiry form sent</title>     </head>     <body>         <p>hi optimum designs team,</p><br>         <p>there has been project submitted. here details:</p><br>         <p>name: '. $project_name .'</p>         <p>name: '. $title_roll .'</p>         <p>name: '. $project_email .'</p>         <p>name: '. $project_number .'</p>         <p>name: '. $project_description .'</p>         <p>name: '. $project_source .'</p>         <p>name: '. $project_socialmedia .'</p><br>         <p>good luck,</p>         <p>administration</p>     </body>     </html> '; // send html mail, content-type header must set $headers  = 'mime-version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers = 'from:' .$project_email . "\r\n";  if (!empty($project_email)) {      if (filter_var($project_email, filter_validate_email)) {           //should check on mail function         if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {             echo "your email sent!"; // success message         } else {             echo "mail not sent!"; // failed message         }      } else {          //invalid email         echo "invalid email, please provide valid email address.";     }  } else {     echo "email address not filled out."; } 

that's because last header

$headers = 'from:' .$project_email . "\r\n"; 

is missing concatenate

$headers .= 'from:' .$project_email . "\r\n";          ^ right there 

in turn breaking chainlink.


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