java - HTTP 400 Bad request - Only on JBoss Server -

i have rest service class, intends update inventory using put method via rest web service. when call service class junit or main class (public static void main) inventory got update , don't issue.

but same service class throws exception when it's deployed jboss-eap server , called remote method, see following error in log,

http 400 - bad error 

please see below piece of code,

       url apiurl = new url("https://...");          string authtobytes = username + ":" + password;         byte authbytes[] = base64.encodebase64(authtobytes.getbytes());         string authbytesstring = new string(authbytes);         conn = (httpurlconnection) apiurl.openconnection();         conn.setrequestmethod("put");          conn.setrequestproperty("accept", "application/xml");         conn.setdooutput(true);          conn.setrequestproperty("authorization", "basic " + authbytesstring);               outputstream output = new bufferedoutputstream(conn.getoutputstream());             output.write(body.getbytes()); //string body ="xml data.."             output.flush();          if (conn.getresponsecode() != 200) { // got exception on jboss             throw new customexception(conn.getresponsecode() + "", conn.getresponsemessage());         }         inputstream = conn.getinputstream(); 


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