angularjs - How to dynamic count how many times ng-repeat repeated? -
quick question how appropriately count record have been repeated in view?
here view:
<h4> drafts </h4> <ul class="nav nav-pills scrollable-nav"> <li ng-repeat="solution in solutions | filter: {'username': username}: true | filter: {visible: false} "> <a href="#" onclick="return false;"> <h5 ng-click="editsolution(solution.$id)">{{}}</h5> </a> </li> </ul>
and number how many time solution repeated? user can change solution.visible value true anytime, need dynamically display number.
i can use variable in scope track number, wondering if there other better ways it?
you create temporary variable hold value of filtered result
<li ng-repeat="solution in filteredsolutions = (solutions | filter: {'username': username, visible: false}: true)">
then {{filteredsolutions.length}}
you use alternative way aliasing filtered result @claies suggested, supported in angular 1.3+
<li ng-repeat="solution in solutions | filter: {'username': username, visible: false}: true filteredsolutions">
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