swift - ios9 / swift2 / xcode7+ AVplayer icecast doesn't process streaming without file extension -

how play stream icecast2 not have file extension

example stream url: http://icecast:8044/channel-123?a=hash

format: mp4a

the code seems working on files extension, not on files without.

    var player = avplayer();     let playeritem = avplayeritem(url:nsurl(string:"http://host/file.mp4a")!);     player = avplayer(playeritem:playeritem)     let playercontroller = avplayerviewcontroller()     playercontroller.view.frame = self.view.frame     playercontroller.player = player     self.addchildviewcontroller(playercontroller)     self.view.addsubview(playercontroller.view)     player.play() 

edit: when stream address ends without file extension (the file on server stored without file extension .mp3, .mp4,..) avplayer not play anything(http://example.com/file) ... if file name contains file extension works (http://example.com/file.mp3)

it seems confusing live streaming , loading media files server.

if talking live streaming:

1) file extension has no impact on avplayer ability play stream (avplayer plays audio link, example: http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio1-bb-aac).

2) nevertheless, file format matter (for more information check docs here):

what specifics of video , audio formats supported?

although protocol specification not limit video , audio formats, current apple implementation supports following formats:

video: h.264 baseline level 3.0, baseline level 3.1, main level 3.1, , high profile level 4.1. audio: he-aac or aac-lc 48 khz, stereo audio mp3 (mpeg-1 audio layer 3) 8 khz 48 khz, stereo audio ac-3 (for apple tv, in pass-through mode only)

if have own server , want provide ability streaming audio/video, need perform setup actions described here.


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