keyboard - USB HID Atmega 32u4 Arduino - system device ID / name changing from default Arduino leonardo -

i'm building usb hid device using arduino leonardo mini clone, based on atmega32u4. particular ic has got usb controller build in, , turning in hid device simple, need include keyboard.h , use keyboard.print...

the question , can set/define name of device shown, when arduino connected pc, because @ moment named arduino leonardo.

the default automated name tty usbmodemhidp1

in system preferences can see:

  id product:   0x8036   id vendor:    0x2341   wersion:  1.00   serial number:    hidpc   speed:    12 mb/sek.   vendor:   arduino llc   id location:  0x14200000 / 16 

so in arduino keyboard.h can change name, or id's ? possible ? because in opinion should can't find right place, , not have experience wit arduino avr working microchips mplab x before different ic's ;).

any appreciated best regards

the "iproduct" string sent board on enumeration tells operating system gives human-readable name. value of string set near top of usbcore.cpp in hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/. it's unicode string need looking 'l', 'e', 'o', 'n' [...] not "leonardo". string used depends on pid number of device (also sent during enumeration) given in boards.txt.

for distributing own custom hardware based on leonardo there need provide own vid.

also there can used alternative firmware. arduino '32u4 bootloader, caterina, can found under hardware/arduino/bootloaders/caterina. requires lufa in order build.

hope others in solving same problems :) cheers, topic closed


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