java - Apache pdfbox .doc to .pdf conversion -

i'm trying convert .doc .pdf, got exception , don't know how fix it. missing root object specification in trailer @   org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.cosparser.parsetrailervaluesdynamically( 

this exception thrown:

pddocument pdfdocument = pddocument.load(convertdoctopdf(documentinputstream)); 

here conversion method:

private byte[] convertdoctopdf(inputstream documentinputstream) throws exception {     document document = null;     wordextractor = null;     bytearrayoutputstream out = null;     byte[] documentbytearray = null;     try {         document = new document();         poifsfilesystem fs = new poifsfilesystem(documentinputstream);          hwpfdocument doc = new hwpfdocument(fs);         = new wordextractor(doc);         out = new bytearrayoutputstream();         pdfwriter writer = pdfwriter.getinstance(document, out);          range range = doc.getrange();;         writer.setpageempty(true);         document.newpage();         writer.setpageempty(true);          string[] paragraphs = we.getparagraphtext();         (int = 0; < paragraphs.length; i++) {             org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.paragraph pr = range.getparagraph(i);             paragraphs[i] = paragraphs[i].replaceall("\\cm?\r?\n", "");             document.add(new paragraph(paragraphs[i]));         }         documentbytearray = out.tobytearray();     } catch (exception ex) {         ex.printstacktrace(system.out);         throw new exception(;     } {         document.close();         try {             we.close();             out.close();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }     return documentbytearray; } 

you use itext classes , do

documentbytearray = out.tobytearray(); 

before finish document


thus, documentbytearray contains incomplete pdf pdfbox complains about.


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