cakebuild - Retrieving an XML value in Cake build? -

is there simple way of retrieving xml value file using cake build automation system?

i've been poking around cake.common.xml namespace, seems geared toward modifying (xmlpoke) or transforming (xmltransformation) xml. docs on methods make them appear geared toward prepping xml use in later build steps consume, don't return anything.

ideally, go in filepath object xpath query string , resulting value.

specifically, i'm trying extract values project's androidmanifest.xml use in naming resulting apk cake.xamarin call, seems functionality should @ cake.common.xml level.

as of cake v0.8.0, there xmlpeek cake.common.xml.xmlpeekaliases namespace. pass filepath instance , xpath query (with optional settings things namespaces), , return string.

for example, given local xml file this…

<some>     <nested>         <thing someattribute="attributevalue" />         <otherthing>some text value</otherthing>     </nested> </some> 

for example, attribute's value…

var attributevalue = xmlpeek(file("example.xml"),     "/some/nested/thing/@someattribute") 

…will string of attributevalue.

and text nodes value…

var textnodevalue = xmlpeek(file("example.xml"),     "/some/nested/otherthing/text()"); 

…will string of some text value.


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