android - When will a dynamically added fragment be re-added? -
the fragment documentation shows example of activity dynamically adding fragment in oncreate(...)
if (savedinstancestate == null) { // during initial setup, plug in details fragment. detailsfragment details = new detailsfragment(); details.setarguments(getintent().getextras()); getfragmentmanager().begintransaction().add(, details).commit(); }
this almost makes sense me, except 1 detail. thought reason checking savedinstancestate == null
if activity being re-created, can expect framework re-add fragment us. however, thought framework if fragment has tag, , example uses version of fragmenttransaction#add(...)
not take tag. understand it, if activity recreated, not have detailsfragment
is understanding wrong? , if framework re-add fragment, @ point in activity's lifecycle guaranteed have done so?
i thought framework [re-add fragment] if fragment has tag
no. according the documentation in "adding fragment activity" section:
each fragment requires unique identifier system can use restore fragment if activity restarted.
thus, have 3 possibilities handle this: using unique id
, unique tag
or none of them. yes, neither of previous 2 requirements.the purpose of adding tag
capture fragment. useful if want retrieve , play (such performing transactions). however, it's not required.
when use add(int, fragment)
, calls add(int, fragment, string)
null tag
@ 3rd parameter. therefore, system use id of container view instead (1st param in add()
). thus, fragment restored without id
or tag
supplied correctly handled system.
note: in reference of add(int, fragment, string)
, can see quote: "optional tag name fragment, later retrieve fragment fragmentmanager.findfragmentbytag(string)
" - how optional if need restore fragments? ;)
at point in activity's lifecycle guaranteed have done so?
i cannot respond on it, maybe has right answer but, here's think.
as can see in "handling configuration changes", when orientation (or specific change) occurs on activity, calls ondestroy()
, directly oncreate()
. @ point of (activity's) oncreate()
called, child fragment receive callback in onattach()
. beside, when activity has received oncreate()
callback, child fragment receives automatically onactivitycreated()
callback. after that, each method in activity trigger "exact" same child methods (onstart()
, onresume()
, onpause()
, onstop()
thus, think safe point onstart()
, because activity triggers directly call of fragment's method, you're sure fragment attached , can handle onrestart() -> onstart()
update ui.
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