xcode - Mapbox iOS SDK 3 - annotation title not showing when annotation is tapped -

i'm having hard time figuring out how make annotation title appear when user tapped annotation pointed current location. working fine except this. using cllocationmanager wrapper https://github.com/varshylmobile/locationmanager don't think it's affecting mapbox since can display pins correctly on map.

here's screenshot sample:

mapbox 2 annotations

as can see, run app without problems. it's when set annotation title , subtitle pin, , tapped @ run-time, doesn't show anything.

here's code snippet annotation:

        let point = mglpointannotation()         point.coordinate = cllocationcoordinate2d(latitude: location.coordinate.latitude, longitude: location.coordinate.longitude)         point.title = "hello world!"         point.subtitle = "welcome ellipse."          self.mapview.addannotation(point)          let point2 = mglpointannotation()         point2.coordinate = cllocationcoordinate2d(latitude: 37.43259552, longitude: location.coordinate.longitude)         point2.title = "hello world!"         point2.subtitle = "welcome ellipse."          self.mapview.addannotation(point2)          self.mapview.selectannotation(point, animated: true)         self.mapview.showannotations([point, point2], animated: true) 

and here call out function:

func mapview(mapview: mglmapview, annotationcanshowcallout annotation: mglannotation) -> bool {     return true }  func mapview(mapview: mglmapview, imageforannotation annotation: mglannotation) -> mglannotationimage? {     return nil } 

i on ios 9.2, xcode 7.

thank you!

i forgot line of code after instantiating map view.

 mapview.delegate = self 



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