video - converting files with FFMPEG ... NO MOOV ATOM at the end of the file -

i'm doing following:

  1. i use ffmpeg delphi xe2 program convert file receive mp4 file.
  2. i use qr-faststart move atom begin of file after converting.

the problem after conversion of files (not always) qr-faststart give following error:

  • "encountered non-qt top-level atom (is quicktime file?)"
  • "last atom in file vas not moov atom"

the command line ffmpeg : -i "sourcefile" -sameq "destinationfile"

the command line qt-faststart "sourcefile" "destfile"

here full code of both function:

function tfrmmain.convertfile(avideofile: string; var anewfile: string): boolean; var seinfo: tshellexecuteinfo;     exitcode: dword;     executefile, paramstring, startinstring: string;     tmpvideofile : string;     logcommand   : string; begin   logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('enter convertfile %s ...', [avideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);   result := false;   startinstring := edconverterpath.text;   tmpvideofile  := extractfilename(avideofile);   anewfile      := changefileext(tmpvideofile, '.mp4');   if tmpvideofile = anewfile begin     logmain.writefeedbackmessage('the file converted ...', '', eventlog_information_type, false);     if optimizefaststart(avideofile) begin       result := true;     end;     exit;   end;   anewfile := extractfilepath(avideofile) + anewfile;   if fileexists(anewfile) begin     deletefile(anewfile);   end;   logcommand := '';   if cklog.checked begin     logcommand := ' -loglevel verbose -report';   end;   paramstring := '-i "' + avideofile + '" -sameq "' + anewfile + '" ' + logcommand;   logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('paramstring %s', [paramstring]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);   executefile := includetrailingbackslash(startinstring) + 'ffmpeg.exe';   if fileexists(executefile) begin     fillchar(seinfo, sizeof(seinfo), 0) ;     seinfo.cbsize := sizeof(tshellexecuteinfo) ;     seinfo begin       fmask := see_mask_nocloseprocess;       wnd := application.handle;       lpfile := pchar(executefile) ;       //paramstring can contain application parameters.       lpparameters := pchar(paramstring) ;       //  startinstring specifies  name of working directory. if ommited, current directory used.       lpdirectory := pchar(startinstring) ;       nshow := sw_shownormal;     end;     if shellexecuteex(@seinfo) begin       repeat         application.processmessages;         getexitcodeprocess(seinfo.hprocess, exitcode) ;       until (exitcode <> still_active) or application.terminated;     end;     if fileexists(anewfile) begin       logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('converting video %s succesfull!', [avideofile]), format('file %s created.', [anewfile]), eventlog_information_type, true, false, false);       if optimizefaststart(anewfile) begin         result := true;       end;     end;   end else begin     logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('file %s not exist on server!', [executefile]), 'the converter cannot located on disk!' + #13#10 + executefile, eventlog_error_type, true, false, false);   end; end; 

the fast start here

function tfrmmain.optimizefaststart(avideofile: string): boolean; var seinfo: tshellexecuteinfo;     exitcode: dword;     executefile, paramstring, startinstring: string;     strvideofile : string;     newvideofile : string;     startcommand : string; begin   // need fast start utility   logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('enter optimizefaststart %s ...', [avideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);   result := false;   startinstring := edconverterpath.text;   strvideofile  := extractfilename(avideofile);   newvideofile  := 'tmp_' + strvideofile;   if strvideofile = avideofile begin     strvideofile  := startinstring + strvideofile;     newvideofile  := startinstring + newvideofile;   end;   if not fileexists(strvideofile) begin     logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('file %s dont exist...', [strvideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);     exit;   end;   if fileexists(newvideofile) begin     deletefile(newvideofile);   end;    paramstring := format('"%s" "%s"', [strvideofile, newvideofile]);   executefile := includetrailingbackslash(startinstring) + 'qt-faststart.exe';   if fileexists(executefile) begin     logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('source %s destination %s', [strvideofile, newvideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);     fillchar(seinfo, sizeof(seinfo), 0) ;     seinfo.cbsize := sizeof(tshellexecuteinfo);     seinfo begin       fmask := see_mask_nocloseprocess;       wnd := application.handle;       lpfile := pchar(executefile) ;       lpparameters := pchar(paramstring);       lpdirectory  := pchar(startinstring);       nshow        := sw_shownormal;     end;     if shellexecuteex(@seinfo) begin       repeat         application.processmessages;         getexitcodeprocess(seinfo.hprocess, exitcode) ;       until (exitcode <> still_active) or application.terminated;     end;     logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('after file executed...', [strvideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);     sleep(500);     application.processmessages;     if fileexists(newvideofile) begin       deletefile(strvideofile);       application.processmessages;       sleep(500);       application.processmessages;       logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('before rename file...', [strvideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);       if renamefile(newvideofile, strvideofile) begin         logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('rename file ok...', [strvideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, false);         result := true;         logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('processing video %s web succesfull!', [strvideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, true);       end;     end else begin       logmain.writefeedbackmessage(format('file %s not exist!...', [newvideofile]), '', eventlog_information_type, true);     end;   end else begin     logmain.writefeedbackmessage('cannot find qt-faststart.exe converter on disk!', executefile, eventlog_error_type, true);   end; end; 

can advice me how fix problem.

remove -sameq option, not mean same quality. also, version of ffmpeg have? if not have latest, update. should fix problem. can post complete command line output?


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