excel - Cutting letters from alphanumeric cell entry, pasting to another cell -

how can set macro strip letters #####xx in column , put them in column l same row? thanks!

assuming you're working first sheet , you're stripping off last 2 characters while leaving first 5 characters, following code work:

public sub stripoff()   dim irow integer   irow = 2       'assuming row 1 headers, else make 1   while sheets(1).range("i" + cstr(irow)).value <> ""     sheets(1).range("l" + cstr(irow)).value = right(sheets(1).range("i" + cstr(irow)).value, 2)     sheets(1).range("i" + cstr(irow)).value = left(sheets(1).range("i" + cstr(irow)).value, 5)     irow = irow + 1   wend end sub 


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