Conditionally convert multiple formats of Date and DateTime string into JavaScript Date Object -

with little utility javascript function below can convert basic date string javascript date object.

the date string can in multiple formats this...

stringtodate("17/9/2014", "dd/mm/yyyy", "/"); stringtodate("9/17/2014", "mm/dd/yyyy", "/"); stringtodate("9-17-2014", "mm-dd-yyyy", "-"); 

what hoping expand allow conditionally strings have time in them 09:12:49 09:12:49am, 09:12:49pm

so function below creates date object line...

var formateddate = new date(dateitems[yearindex], month, dateitems[dayindex]); 

would have instead like...

var formateddate = new date(dateitems[yearindex], month, dateitems[dayindex], hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); 

adding hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds if detected in original string.

would such task possibble code?

  // convert date string js date object   // can parse multiple date formats   // stringtodate("17/9/2014", "dd/mm/yyyy", "/");   // stringtodate("9/17/2014", "mm/dd/yyyy", "/");   // stringtodate("9-17-2014", "mm-dd-yyyy", "-");   function stringtodate(d, _format, _delimiter) {     if((d instanceof date)){       return d;     }     var formatlowercase = _format.tolowercase();     var formatitems = formatlowercase.split(_delimiter);     var dateitems = d.split(_delimiter);     var monthindex = formatitems.indexof("mm");     var dayindex = formatitems.indexof("dd");     var yearindex = formatitems.indexof("yyyy");     var month = parseint(dateitems[monthindex]);     month -= 1;     var formateddate = new date(dateitems[yearindex], month, dateitems[dayindex]);     return formateddate;   } 

i aware of momentjs, datejs, datejs evolved, , sugarjs trying small utility library.


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