arrays - Optimum Way To Write Long Javascript Variables containing HTML -

hi guys i'm working on web app outputs heap of html , objects onto html page via javascript.

its looking quite messy , made me wonder - optimum way write , why.

this code

var html_content = '';      html_content += "<div class='body-content'>";         html_content += "<h1>" + +"</h1><br />" + "<h2> arena titles (account wide)</h2>" + achievementz.join('<br />') + "<br /><br />"                   + "<h2>highest arena ratings</h2>"                   + "<span style='color: #ffffff;'>""</span>" + ": " + rating2v2.quantity + "<br/>" + "last reached on: " + gethighestdate(rating2v2) + "<br/><br/>"                  + "<span style='color: #ffffff;'>""</span>" + ": " + rating3v3.quantity + "<br/>" + "last reached on: " + gethighestdate(rating3v3) + "<br/><br/>"                  + "<span style='color: #ffffff;'>""</span>" + ": " + rating5v5.quantity + "<br/>" + "last reached on: " + gethighestdate(rating5v5) + "<br/><br/>"                  + "<h2>current arena rating</h2>2v2 rating: " + wow2s + '<br />' + "3v3 rating: " + wow3s + '<br />' + "5v5 rating: " + wow5s + '<br /><br />'                    + "<h2>current rbg rating</h2>rbg rating: " + wowrbgs + '<br /><br />'                   + '<input type="button" class="homebtn" name="startgame" value="new" onclick="reloadw();">';      html_content += "</div>";      $('.main-content').html(html_content); 

to me looks theres better way don't have slightest start.

any direction or appreciated!

es6 template syntax other answer neat, , useful in cases.

however, looking lightweight templating engine.

let me give few reasons use template engine instead of concatenating strings:

  • it cleanest way solve problem

  • you can separate templates / data , rendering code, it's easier maintain

  • your security free: {{variables}} automatically escaped (see how escaped "name" variable in example below)

  • since have achievementz.join(), assume wanted loop through achievements display , templates become more complex loops, conditional statements etc... templating engine can handle that: loops, conditions , function calls

  • no need worry compatibility, can use method pretty anywhere

  • it flexible , if want can automatically compile templates js variables, embed templates .js files , keep advantages above

here full rewrite of code using mustache templating engine (mustache.js) :

<!doctype html>  <head>  </head>  <body>    <div id="main-content"></div>  </body>    <!-- here template -->  <script id="template" type="x-tmpl-mustache">         <div class='body-content'>              <h1>{{ name }}</h1><br />              <h2> arena titles (account wide)</h2>               {{#achievementz}}                 {{.}}<br/>               {{/achievementz}}              <br/>              <h2>highest arena ratings</h2>              <span style='color: #000;'> {{ }}</span>: {{ rating2v2.quantity }}<br/>last reached on: {{ rating2v2.highestdate }} <br/><br/>              <span style='color: #000;'>{{ }}</span>: {{ rating3v3.quantity }}<br/>last reached on: {{ rating3v3.highestdate }}<br/><br/>              <span style='color: #000;'>{{ }}</span>: {{ rating5v5.quantity }}<br/>last reached on: {{ rating5v5.highestdate }}<br/><br/>              <h2>current arena rating</h2>2v2 rating: {{ wow2s }}<br /> 3v3 rating: {{ wow3s }}<br /> 5v5 rating: {{ wow5s }}<br /><br />              <h2>current rbg rating</h2>rbg rating: {{ wowrbgs }}<br /><br />              <input type="button" class="homebtn" name="startgame" value="new" onclick="reloadw();">          </div>  </script>    <!-- templating engine -->  <script src=""></script>    <!-- usage -->  <script>      var gethighestdate = function() {      var date = new date();      return date.getfullyear();    };      // data    var view = {      name: "super <b>joe</b>",      achievementz: [        "achievement 1",        "achievement 2",        "achievement 3",        "achievement 4"      ],      rating2v2: {        name: "mr red",        quantity: 42,        highestdate: gethighestdate      },      rating3v3: {        name: "mr orange",        quantity: 69,        highestdate: gethighestdate      },      rating5v5: {        name: "mr black",        quantity: 666,        highestdate: gethighestdate      },      wow2s: "wow2s text...",      wow3s: "wow3s text...",      wow5s: "wow5s text...",      wowrbgs: "wow rgb..."    };      // rendering code    document.getelementbyid("main-content").innerhtml = mustache.render(document.getelementbyid("template").text, view);    </script>


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