php - MySQL Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 - Radipanel -

i using panel unfamiliar with; friends , can't seem resolve issue. i've looked missing commas , values might not add can't seem see solution.

i keep getting error: mysql error: column count doesn't match value count @ row 1 thought i'd see if internet samaritan lend hand.

any appreciated!

<?php      if( !preg_match( "/index.php/i", $_server['php_self'] ) ) { die(); }      if( $_get['id'] ) {          $id = $core->clean( $_get['id'] );          $query = $db->query( "select * users id = '{$id}'" );         $data  = $db->assoc( $query );          $data['ugroups'] = explode( ",", $data['usergroups'] );          $editid = $data['id'];      }  ?>      <?php                      $query = $db->query("select * users username = '{$username}'");                                 $array = $db->assoc($query);    if ($user->data['id'] == "{$editid}") {  $db->query( "insert logs values (null, 'attempted edit own account  <font color=\"ff0000\"><b>denied</b></font>', null, '<b>{$user->data['fullusername']}</b> ({$_server['remote_addr']})', '1') " ); die("<div class=\"square bad\"> <strong>error</strong><br> cant not edit own account! log inserted!</div>");  }                     ?>   <form action="" method="post" id="adduser">       <div class="box">          <div class="square title">             <strong>edit user</strong>         </div>          <?php              if( $_post['submit'] ) {                  try {                      $username = $core->clean( $_post['username'] );                     $password = $core->clean( $_post['password'] );                     $email    = $core->clean( $_post['email'] );                     $habbo    = $core->clean( $_post['habbo'] );                     $dgroup   = $core->clean( $_post['dgroup'] );                                         $banned   = $core->clean( $_post['banned'] );                     $jobtitle = $core->clean( $_post['jobtitle'] );                     $forumuser = $core->clean( $_post['forumuser'] );                     $skypeuser = $core->clean( $_post['skypeuser'] );                     $notes = $core->clean( $_post['notes'] );                       $query    = $db->query( "select * usergroups" );                      while( $array = $db->assoc( $query ) ) {                          if( $_post['ugroup-' . $array['id']] ) {                              $ugroups .= $array['id'] . ",";                          }                      }                      $password_enc = $core->encrypt( $password );                      if( !$username or ( !$password , !$editid ) or !$dgroup or !$ugroups ) {                          throw new exception( "all fields required." );                      }                     else {                          if( $editid ) {                              if( $password ) {                                  $password = ", password = '{$password_enc}'";                              }                             else {                                  unset( $password );                              }                              $db->query( "update users set username = '{$username}', password = '{$password}', email = '{$email}', habbo = '{$habbo}', displaygroup = '{$dgroup}', usergroups = '{$ugroups}', banned = '{$banned}', jobtitle = '{$jobtitle}', forumuser = '{$forumuser}', skypeuser = '{$skypeuser}', notes = '{$notes}', id = '{$editid}'" );                           }                         else {                              $db->query( "insert users values (null, '{$username}', '{$password_enc}', '{$email}', '{$habbo}', '{$dgroup}', '{$ugroups}', '{$banned}', '{$jobtitle}', '{$forumuser}', '{$skypeuser}', '{$notes}');" );                                               }                          echo "<div class=\"square good\">";                         echo "<strong>success</strong>";                         echo "<br />";                         echo "user added!";                          echo "</div>"; $db->query( "insert logs values (null, 'edited user $username <font color=\"51c833\"><b>success</b></font>', null, '<b>{$user->data['fullusername']}</b> ({$_server['remote_addr']})', '1') " );                       }                  }                 catch( exception $e ) {                      echo "<div class=\"square bad\">";                     echo "<strong>error</strong>";                     echo "<br />";                     echo $e->getmessage();                     echo "</div>"; $db->query( "insert logs values (null, 'edited user $username <font color=\"ff0000\"><b>fail</b></font>', null, '<b>{$user->data['fullusername']}</b> ({$_server['remote_addr']})', '1') " );                  }              }          ?>          <table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">             <?php              if ($data['banned'] == "1") {             ?>             <div style="background: red; border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;"><strong>user banned!</strong></div>             <?php             }                  // user management display group        if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "4") {  $db->query( "insert logs values (null, 'edit user, wrong perms  <font color=\"ff0000\"><b>denied</b></font>', null, '<b>{$user->data['fullusername']}</b> ({$_server['remote_addr']})', '1') " ); die("<div class=\"square bad\"> <strong>error</strong><br> have incorrect display group, please contact administrator assistance</div>");  }               // radio management display group     else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "39") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups mgmt = '1'" );                  }              // forum events management display group     else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "52") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups mgmt = '1'" );                  }              // events management display group     else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "41") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups mgmt = '1'" );                  }             // news management display group     else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "40") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups mgmt = '1'" );                  }             // community manager display group     else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "38") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups mgmt = '1'" );                  }             // administrator display group     else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "31") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups admin = '1'" );                  }             // panel administrator display group    else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "32") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups snradmin = '1'" );                  }             // developer display group    else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "42") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups mgmt = '1'" );                  }              // owner display group    else if ($user->data['displaygroup'] == "5") {                        $query = $db->query( "select * usergroups" );                  }                     else {             // random code hide page else   die("<div class=\"square bad\"> <strong>error</strong><br> sorry not have correct permission view page! contact admin!</div>");                  }                    while( $array = $db->assoc( $query ) ) {                      if( in_array( $array['id'], $data['ugroups'] ) ) {                          $groups[$array['id'] . '_active'] = $array['name'];                      }                     else {                          $groups[$array['id']] = $array['name'];                      }                      if( $array['id'] == $data['displaygroup'] ) {                          $dgroups[$array['id'] . '_active']  = $array['name'];                      }                     else {                          $dgroups[$array['id']]  = $array['name'];                      }                  }                  $opt_banned = array (                             "0" => "active",                             "1" => "banned"                 );                   echo $core->buildfield( "text",                                         "required",                                         "username",                                         "username",                                         "the new username.",                                         $data['username'] );                  echo $core->buildfield( "password",                                         "<?php if( !$editid ) { ?>required<?php } ?>",                                         "password",                                         "password",                                         "" );                  echo $core->buildfield( "text",                                         "",                                         "email",                                         "email",                                         "the new email (optional).",                                         $data['email'] );                   echo $core->buildfield( "text",                                         "",                                         "habbo",                                         "habbo name",                                         "staff members habbo name",                                         $data['habbo'] );                  echo $core->buildfield( "text",                                         "",                                         "jobtitle",                                         "job title",                                         "the staff members job title",                                         $data['jobtitle'] );                  echo $core->buildfield( "text",                                         "",                                         "forumuser",                                         "forum username",                                         "the staff members forum username",                                         $data['forumuser'] );                  echo $core->buildfield( "text",                                         "",                                         "skypeuser",                                         "skype username",                                         "the staff members skype useranme",                                         $data['skypeuser'] );                   echo $core->buildfield( "left_textarea",                                         "",                                         "notes",                                         "acc notes",                                         "the staff members notes",                                         $data['notes'] );                    echo $core->buildfield( "select",                                         "",                                         "banned",                                         "banned",                                         "to ban user, enter 1, restricting them logging in or 0 not ban.",                                         $opt_banned );                   echo $core->buildfield( "select",                                         "required",                                         "dgroup",                                         "display group",                                         "the user's display group.",                                         $dgroups );                    echo $core->buildfield( "checkbox",                                         "required",                                         "ugroup",                                         "active usergroups",                                         "the user's active groups.",                                         $groups );               ?>         </table>      </div>      <div class="box" align="right">          <input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />      </div>  </form> <?php     echo $core->buildformjs('adduser');  ?> 

you didn't post table structure, simply: number of values doesn't match number of columns in table 'logs'.


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