ios - How can I create a 'share to Facebook button' in a SpriteKit game using swift? -

i have made simple game using game template in xcode, coded in swift. created shapenode, , when touched, code run:

        if slcomposeviewcontroller.isavailableforservicetype(slservicetypefacebook){             var controller = slcomposeviewcontroller(forservicetype: slservicetypefacebook)             controller.setinitialtext("testing posting facebook")             //self.presentviewcontroller(controller, animated:true, completion:nil)         } 

this code run in gameviewcontroller.swift file, gives error. error occurs on commented line.

could not cast value of type 'uiview' (0x379480d0) 'skview' (0x37227ad0). 

update: if targeting ios 9 or above there small changes make work. need add correct url schemes info.plist otherwise check see if app installed not work.

note: better idea use uiactivitycontroller sharing. allows use 1 button , can share sorts of services.

to present viewcontroller in skscene need use rootviewcontroller


i use little helper using swift 2 protocol extensions, can use anywhere in app. facebook part looks this, twitter same.

import spritekit import social  /// urlstring private struct urlstring {     static let itunesapp = url(string: "your itunes app link")     static let facebookapp = url(string: "your facebook app link")     static let facebookweb = url(string: "your facebook web link") }  /// text strings private struct textstring {     static let sharesheettext = "your share sheet text"     static let error = "error"     static let enablesocial = "please sign in account first"     static let settings = "settings"     static let ok = "ok" }  /// social protocol social {} extension social self: skscene {  /// open facebook func openfacebook() {     guard let facebookapp = urlstring.facebookapp else { return }     guard let facebookweb = urlstring.facebookweb else { return }      if uiapplication.shared.canopenurl(facebookapp){              uiapplication.shared.openurl(facebookapp)     } else {         uiapplication.shared.openurl(facebookweb)     } }  /// share facebook func sharetofacebook() {      guard slcomposeviewcontroller.isavailable(forservicetype: slservicetypefacebook) else {         showalert()         return     }      guard let facebooksheet = slcomposeviewcontroller(forservicetype: slservicetypefacebook) else { return }     facebooksheet.completionhandler = { result in          switch result {          case .cancelled:             print("facebook message cancelled")             break          case .done:             print("facebook message complete")             break         }     }      let text = textstring.sharesheettext     //facebooksheet.setinitialtext(text)     facebooksheet.setinitialtext(string.localizedstringwithformat(text, "add score property")) // same line above score property     facebooksheet.addimage(your uiimage)     facebooksheet.add(urlstring.itunesapp)      self.view?.window?.rootviewcontroller?.present(facebooksheet, animated: true, completion: nil) }     // mark: - private methods     /// show alert    private func showalert() {     let alertcontroller = uialertcontroller(title: textstring.error, message: textstring.enablesocial, preferredstyle: .alert)      let okaction = uialertaction(title: textstring.ok, style: .cancel) { _ in }     alertcontroller.addaction(okaction)      let settingsaction = uialertaction(title: textstring.settings, style: .default) { _ in          if let url = url(string: uiapplicationopensettingsurlstring) {             uiapplication.shared.openurl(url)         }     }     alertcontroller.addaction(settingsaction)      self.view?.window?.rootviewcontroller?.present(alertcontroller, animated: true, completion: nil)     } } 

to use helper go skscene need call methods , implement protocol

 class yourscene: skscene, social {.... 

now when facebook node/button pressed can call methods if part of scene itself.

openfacebook()    // opens app or safari sharetofacebook() // opens share sheet textfield 

all swift 2 , protocol extensions. cool bit want use helper in regular uikit app, have import uikit instead of spritekit

 import uikit 

and change protocol extension this

 extension social self: uiviewcontroller {.... 

its quite nice , flexible think

hope helps.


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