Run Android app in different devices -

i run application in 2 different android devices. first arnova 9 g2 tablet , second sony xperia p. in arnova tablet application executed successfully, in sony xperia p phone, logcat displays me following error:

/data/data/com.example.androidjnetpcaptest/interfaces: open failed: eacces (permission denied) fatal exception: main java.lang.nullpointerexception @ com.example.androidjnetpcaptest.interfacesfragment.oncreateview(

my manifest xml file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android=""     package="com.example.androidjnetpcaptest"     android:versioncode="1"     android:versionname="1.0" >      <uses-sdk         android:minsdkversion="14"         android:targetsdkversion="19" />      <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.change_wifi_state" />     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.write_external_storage" />     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.read_external_storage"/>      <uses-permission android:name="android.pemission.internet" />     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_network_state" />     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.internet" />     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_network_state" />      <application          android:allowbackup="true"         android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"         android:label="@string/app_name"         android:theme="@style/apptheme" >          <activity             android:name=".splashscreenactivity"             android:label="@string/app_name" >             <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.main" />                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.launcher" />             </intent-filter>         </activity>          <activity             android:name=".mainactivity"             android:label="@string/app_name" android:screenorientation="portrait">             <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.default" />                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" />             </intent-filter>         </activity>          <activity             android:name=".informationsactivity"             android:theme="@android:style/theme.holo"             android:label="@string/app_name" android:screenorientation="portrait">              <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.default" />                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" />             </intent-filter>         </activity>               </application>  </manifest> 

and interfacesfragment class is:

public class interfacesfragment extends fragment  {     private scanner inputstream = null;     private textview interfacestextview = null;      @override     public view oncreateview( layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate )     {         try          {             inputstream = new scanner( new fileinputstream( "/data/data/com.example.androidjnetpcaptest/interfaces" ) );         }          catch ( filenotfoundexception e )         {             log.e( "interfacesfragment_error: ", e.getmessage() );         }          string lines = "";         while ( inputstream.hasnextline() )         {             lines = lines + inputstream.nextline() + "\n";         }          inputstream.close();          final progressdialog ringprogressdialog = getactivity(), "please wait ...",    "finding interfaces ...", true );         ringprogressdialog.setcancelable( true );          new thread(new runnable()          {             @override             public void run()             {                 try                  {                     thread.sleep( 4000 );                 }                  catch ( exception e )                 {                  }                 ringprogressdialog.dismiss();             }         }).start();          view rootview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.interfaces, container, false);         interfacestextview = ( textview ) rootview.findviewbyid( );         interfacestextview.settext( lines );         interfacestextview.setmovementmethod( new scrollingmovementmethod() );          return rootview;     } } 

the trouble use of absolute path /data/data/com.example. androidjnetpcaptest/interfaces. should not assume data location app. apps can moved external storage , since ics system supports multiple users (people) app gets different storage per user. instead, use context.getfilesdir() app-private location files can created , stored.

you not need special permissions read/write space.


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