Postgresql function doesn't work properly -

why function returning half zip codes?

i mean if

insert address(zip_code) values(99-100) 

it's doesn't work properly, because it's adding "99-".

create function normalize_zip_code() returns trigger $$ begin     if length(new.zip_code)<=4 , length(new.zip_code)>=6          raise exception 'wrong zip code!';     elsif length(new.zip_code)=6 , (substring(new.zip_code, 3, 1)='-')          new.zip_code:= concat((substring(new.zip_code, 1, 2))::varchar(2),(substring(new.zip_code, 3, 1))::varchar(1), (substring(new.zip_code, 3, 5))::varchar(3));          return new;     else             new.zip_code := concat((substring(new.zip_code, 1, 2))::varchar(2),'-' (substring(new.zip_code, 3, 5))::varchar(3));             return new;         end if;         end;         $$ language plpgsql;  


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