Get invoice after payment paypal for merchant api php -

my problem want bill after paying storage ( in .pdf) on server. i've been looking @ api , create invoice know not how bill automatically.

<?php  require __dir__ . '/../bootstrap.php'; use paypal\api\address; use paypal\api\billinginfo; use paypal\api\cost; use paypal\api\currency; use paypal\api\invoice; use paypal\api\invoiceaddress; use paypal\api\invoiceitem; use paypal\api\merchantinfo; use paypal\api\paymentterm; use paypal\api\phone; use paypal\api\shippinginfo;  $invoice = new invoice(); invoice info   $invoice     ->setmerchantinfo(new merchantinfo())     ->setbillinginfo(array(new billinginfo()))     ->setnote("medical invoice 16 jul, 2013 pst")     ->setpaymentterm(new paymentterm())     ->setshippinginfo(new shippinginfo()); merchant info  resource representing merchant information can used identify merchant $invoice->getmerchantinfo()     ->setemail("")     ->setfirstname("dennis")     ->setlastname("doctor")     ->setbusinessname("medical professionals, llc")     ->setphone(new phone())     ->setaddress(new address());  $invoice->getmerchantinfo()->getphone()     ->setcountrycode("001")     ->setnationalnumber("5032141716"); address information  address used creating invoice $invoice->getmerchantinfo()->getaddress()     ->setline1("1234 main st.")     ->setcity("portland")     ->setstate("or")     ->setpostalcode("97217")     ->setcountrycode("us"); billing information  set email address each billing $billing = $invoice->getbillinginfo(); $billing[0]     ->setemail("");  $billing[0]->setbusinessname("jay inc")     ->setadditionalinfo("this billing info")     ->setaddress(new invoiceaddress());  $billing[0]->getaddress()     ->setline1("1234 main st.")     ->setcity("portland")     ->setstate("or")     ->setpostalcode("97217")     ->setcountrycode("us"); items list  provide list of items detailed breakdown of invoice $items = array(); $items[0] = new invoiceitem(); $items[0]     ->setname("sutures")     ->setquantity(100)     ->setunitprice(new currency());  $items[0]->getunitprice()     ->setcurrency("usd")     ->setvalue(5); tax item provide tax information each item. $tax = new \paypal\api\tax(); $tax->setpercent(1)->setname("local tax on sutures"); $items[0]->settax($tax); second item $items[1] = new invoiceitem(); lets add discount item. $item1discount = new cost(); $item1discount->setpercent("3"); $items[1]     ->setname("injection")     ->setquantity(5)     ->setdiscount($item1discount)     ->setunitprice(new currency());  $items[1]->getunitprice()     ->setcurrency("usd")     ->setvalue(5); tax item provide tax information each item. $tax2 = new \paypal\api\tax(); $tax2->setpercent(3)->setname("local tax on injection"); $items[1]->settax($tax2);  $invoice->setitems($items); final discount can add final discount invoice shown below. either use "percent" or "value" when providing discount $cost = new cost(); $cost->setpercent("2"); $invoice->setdiscount($cost);  $invoice->getpaymentterm()     ->settermtype("net_45"); shipping information $invoice->getshippinginfo()     ->setfirstname("sally")     ->setlastname("patient")     ->setbusinessname("not applicable")     ->setphone(new phone())     ->setaddress(new invoiceaddress());  $invoice->getshippinginfo()->getphone()     ->setcountrycode("001")     ->setnationalnumber("5039871234");  $invoice->getshippinginfo()->getaddress()     ->setline1("1234 main st.")     ->setcity("portland")     ->setstate("or")     ->setpostalcode("97217")     ->setcountrycode("us"); logo  can set logo in invoice providing external url pointing logo $invoice->setlogourl(''); sample purposes only. $request = clone $invoice;  try { create invoice  create invoice calling invoice->create() method valid apicontext (see bootstrap.php more on apicontext)     $invoice->create($apicontext); } catch (exception $ex) { note: please not use resultprinter class in original code. sample     resultprinter::printerror("create invoice", "invoice", null, $request, $ex);     exit(1); } note: please not use resultprinter class in original code. sample  resultprinter::printresult("create invoice", "invoice", $invoice->getid(), $request, $invoice);  return $invoice; 

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