How do you conduct multiple trials in Elixir? -

in ruby, can like:

10.times { puts 'hello world' }

the best approach can come in elixir is:

enum.each((0..10), fn(x) -> io.puts 'hello world' end)

if run in program, warning hello_world.exs:1: warning: variable x unused.

question: there better way in elixir?

context: doing simulation 3,000,000 trials need conducted. not iterating on list. simplified scenario doing 3,000,000 coin tosses , recording number of heads.

to remove warning can use _ instead of x.

enum.each((0..10), fn(_) -> io.puts 'hello world' end) 

and simplify using list comprehension.

for _ <- 0..10,do: io.puts "hello" 

_ - ignore argument in function or in pattern matching. if can give name after underscore.ex - _base

other cases

if needs use index while running trail specify variable without _. (like require index)

for example if needed squares of index.

for x <- 0..10,do: io.puts x * x. 


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