Java Play 2.4 and IDEA - Views not resolving -

i doing pretty standard. trying use play-authenticate plugin, references several views won't resolve.

the import there, grayed out, showing unused. build.sbt looks like:

name := """webapp"""  version := "1.0-snapshot"  lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enableplugins(playjava, playebean)  scalaversion := "2.11.6"  librarydependencies ++= seq(   javajdbc,   cache,   javaws,   "com.feth" % "play-authenticate_2.11" % "0.7.1",   "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4-1206-jdbc42",   "org.webjars" % "bootstrap" % "3.2.0",   "be.objectify" % "deadbolt-java_2.11" % "2.4.4" )  // play provides 2 styles of routers, 1 expects actions injected, // other, legacy style, accesses actions statically. routesgenerator := injectedroutesgenerator   fork in run := true 

i have tried restarting intellij, running sbt clean, reloading project existing sources.

it's odd because when alt+enter knows import suggest, when pulls in, still unresolved. ex:

return ok(unverified.render()); 


return ok(views.html.account.signup.unverified.render()); 

but still unresolved.

the method i've found consistently works manually changing classpath.

  1. open project structure
  2. select module containing templates. if have multi-module project, apply each.
  3. expand target/scala-2.11/twirl. it's possible these excluded (red icon).
  4. change exclusions un-exclude twirl (yellow icon). inside twirl, mark main source root.

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