Matlab Scatter Plot Color Scheme -
good evening,
i'm still new matlab (and stack overflow)
i've got set of data want plot "plot" command.
have 9 days of data plot.
preferably each day having it's own color.
after looking online, matlab has 8 pre-built colors, 2 of them being white , yellow. (and yellow doesn't show on white background)
i've looked online , tried passing "color" command rgb combo, breaks well.
i've had resort changing first , last day different shape, works now, isn't presentation worthy. first data point , last data point need own color.
+,x,* represent number of launch occurred day.
attached script.
many in advance. reid
%-------------------------------------------------------- % define model_point array %-------------------------------------------------------- point_model = [0.0112, 0.2147, 0.295, 0.0356, 0.0912, 0, 0, 0.0738, 0.2143, 0.0798, 0.0169, 0.089, 0, 0, 0.1644, 0.065, 0.2271, 0.0727]; %--------------------------------------------------------- % define model_neighborhood array %--------------------------------------------------------- neighborhood_model = [0.0573343, 0.422929, 0.609221, 0.667158, 0.820867, 0.580356, 0.487199, 0.56226, 0.325294, 0.249353, 0.184591, 0.214189, 0.159878, 1.07934, 2.48956, 0.26571, 0.470282, 0.221556]; %--------------------------------------------------------- %plotting %--------------------------------------------------------- plot(point_model(1), neighborhood_model(1), 'rp') hold on; plot(point_model(2), neighborhood_model(2), 'r+') plot(point_model(3), neighborhood_model(3), 'rx') plot(point_model(4), neighborhood_model(4), 'm+') plot(point_model(5), neighborhood_model(5), 'mx') plot(point_model(6), neighborhood_model(6), 'y+') plot(point_model(7), neighborhood_model(7), 'yx') plot(point_model(8), neighborhood_model(8), 'y*') plot(point_model(9), neighborhood_model(9), 'g+') plot(point_model(10), neighborhood_model(10), 'gx') plot(point_model(11), neighborhood_model(11), 'c+') plot(point_model(12), neighborhood_model(12), 'cx') plot(point_model(13), neighborhood_model(13), 'b+') plot(point_model(14), neighborhood_model(14), 'bx') plot(point_model(15), neighborhood_model(15), 'b*') plot(point_model(16), neighborhood_model(16), 'k+') plot(point_model(17), neighborhood_model(17), 'kx') plot(point_model(18), neighborhood_model(18), 'kp') hold on; plot(x, y, 'b-') xlabel('ilw [mm]'); ylabel('ilw [mm]'); title('plot') hold on; legend('y20150122','y20150129a','y20150129b','y20150211a','y20150211b','y20150313a','y20150313b','y20150313c','y20150317a','y20150317b','y20150320a','y20150320b','y20150325a','y20150325b','y20150325c','y20150326a','y20150326b','y20150423','location','eastoutside')
thank again!
plot(x,y,'x','color', [.9 .8 .7]) %% use [r g b] values in brackets
edit: note matlab arguments plot commands start capital letter
edit2: note can use marker string 'x' or 'o' without using color.
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