jquery - Display text on button and change color of the button Kendo UI -
i want display text on button based on value database.
so, button text varies in each row(ex: in service, expired, 30 days expire).
1) how can display text in button in kendo row ?
2) want change color of button based on above 3 values. (ex: in service - green, expired - red, 30 day expire - yellow)
i want display button in custom command button in below code
how can ?
@(html.kendo().grid(model) .name("grid") .columns(columns => { columns.bound(c => c.username).title("user").filterable(false); columns.bound(c => c.role).title("role"); //columns.command(command => command.custom().click("showdetails")); }) .htmlattributes(new { style = "height: 500px;" }) .sortable() .scrollable(x => x.height(400)) .filterable() .pageable(x => x.enabled(true).previousnext(false).pagesizes(true)) )
looks doing serverside binding grid. in case need use template() method of column builder.
i tried replicate scenario. have model following definition:
public class statusmodel { public string col1 { get; set; } public string status { get; set; } }
then in controller, creating list 3 items below:
public actionresult index() { var data = new list<statusmodel>() { new statusmodel {col1="row 1",status="in service" }, new statusmodel {col1="row 2",status="expire" }, new statusmodel {col1="row 3",status="30 days expire" }, }; return view(data); }
and in view here how need define grid:
@(html.kendo().grid(model) .name("kgrid") .columns(columns => { columns.bound(c => c.col1).title("column 1"); columns.bound(c => c.status).template(@<text> @if (@item.status == "in service") { @html.kendo().button().name("kbutton").content(@item.status).htmlattributes(new { style = "background-color:green;color:white;width:150px" }) } else if (@item.status == "expire") { @html.kendo().button().name("kbutton").content(@item.status).htmlattributes(new { style = "background-color:red;color:white;width:150px" }) } else { @html.kendo().button().name("kbutton").content(@item.status).htmlattributes(new { style = "background-color:orange;color:white;width:150px" }) } </text>); }) )
you can optimize code further doing if else decide on css class can apply , single call kendo.button() , pass css class html attribute.
hope helps.
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