ios - Plot two different color of mapview pin -
i'm trying display mapview array of coordinates. so, load latitudes , longitudes array contains. showing perfectly. now, want display 1 paritcular latitude & longitude different color pin. i've referred this answer no such different can't see.
-(void)showmap: { ... ... dataprovider *d = [dataprovider getinstance]; nsinteger numb = sender.view.tag; d.colorlatitude = [[arraxy objectatindex:numb] objectforkey:@"lat"]; d.colorlongitude = [[arraxy objectatindex:numb] objectforkey:@"lng"]; [d._address removeallobjects]; [arraxy removeobjectatindex:sender.view.tag]; d._address = arraxy; mapviewcontroller *map = [[mapviewcontroller alloc]initwithnibname:@"mapviewcontroller" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:map animated:yes]; }
-(void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated { dataprovider *d = [dataprovider getinstance]; [_mapview removeannotations:_mapview.annotations]; registerviewcontroller *appdelegate = [[registerviewcontroller alloc]init]; [_mapview setshowsuserlocation:yes]; [_mapview setregion:mkcoordinateregionmakewithdistance([appdelegate.locationmanager location].coordinate, 1000, 1000)]; [_mapview setusertrackingmode:mkusertrackingmodenone]; mkcoordinateregion rregion = {{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}}; = [d.colorlatitude floatvalue]; = [d.colorlongitude floatvalue]; rregion.span.latitudedelta=0.001f; rregion.span.longitudedelta=0.001f; [_mapview setregion:rregion]; mapviewannotations *add = [[mapviewannotations alloc]init]; add.coordinate =; [_mapview addannotation:add]; if (d._address) { (int i=0; i<[d._address count]; i++) { nsdictionary *dic=[d._address objectatindex:i]; mkcoordinateregion region={{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}};[[dic objectforkey:@"lat"]floatvalue];[[dic objectforkey:@"lng"]floatvalue]; region.span.latitudedelta=0.001f; region.span.longitudedelta=0.001f; [_mapview setregion:region]; mapviewannotations *ann=[[mapviewannotations alloc]init];; [_mapview addannotation:ann]; } } [super viewwillappear:yes]; }
and mkmapview
's delegate method is
- (mkannotationview *)mapview:(mkmapview *)mapview viewforannotation:(id <mkannotation>)annotation { if (![annotation iskindofclass:[mapviewannotations class]]) { return nil; } static nsstring *reuseid = @"currentloc"; mkpinannotationview *annview = (mkpinannotationview *)[mapview dequeuereusableannotationviewwithidentifier:reuseid]; if (annview == nil) { annview = [[mkpinannotationview alloc] initwithannotation:annotation reuseidentifier:reuseid]; annview.animatesdrop = no; annview.canshowcallout = yes; annview.calloutoffset = cgpointmake(-5, 5); } else { annview.annotation = annotation; } dataprovider *mvann = [dataprovider getinstance]; if (mvann.colorlatitude) // here i'm checking condition. { annview.pincolor = mkpinannotationcolorgreen; } else { annview.pincolor = mkpinannotationcolorred; } return annview; }
i'm writting condition if co-ordinate there i've plot green color pin particular coordinate only. how achieve this?
the difference between code , 1 hinata has referred if statement in other code uses value (yesno
) on annotation drawing decide colour use. getting value dataprovider
not telling annotation drawing, instance gives ever instance
method feels returning @ time map asking pin. need tell you're drawing decide put colorlatitude
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