eclipse - java.lang.VerifyError: Inconsistent stackmap frames -

i getting error , have absolutely no clue how go fix it. looking around stackoverflow seems error related either corrupt files or classes compiled in incompatible versions of java. 1 of questions i've been looking into: causes of getting java.lang.verifyerror

warning: error /clearnlp java.lang.verifyerror: inconsistent stackmap frames @ branch target 60 exception details:   location:     edu/emory/clir/clearnlp/util/dsutils.createstringhashmap(ljava/io/inputstream;ledu/emory/clir/clearnlp/util/chartokenizer;z)ljava/util/map; @60: aload_1   reason:     type top (current frame, locals[5]) not assignable 'java/lang/string' (stack map, locals[5])   current frame:     bci: @39     flags: { }     locals: { 'java/io/inputstream', 'edu/emory/clir/clearnlp/util/chartokenizer', integer, 'java/io/bufferedreader', 'java/util/map', top, 'java/lang/string' }     stack: { integer }   stackmap frame:     bci: @60     flags: { }     locals: { 'java/io/inputstream', 'edu/emory/clir/clearnlp/util/chartokenizer', integer, 'java/io/bufferedreader', 'java/util/map', 'java/lang/string' }     stack: { }   bytecode:     0x0000000: bb00 5159 bb00 6f59 2ab7 0074 b700 774e     0x0000010: bb00 8a59 0312 8c12 0b12 0db8 0013 b700     0x0000020: 8d3a 04a7 0045 1c99 0015 1905 b600 323a     0x0000030: 0519 05b6 0036 9900 06a7 002f 2b19 0503     0x0000040: 1295 120b 120d b800 13b6 0099 3a06 1904     0x0000050: 1906 0332 1906 0432 0312 9b12 0b12 0db8     0x0000060: 0013 b900 9f03 0057 2db6 005c 593a 05c7     0x0000070: ffb7 a700 0a3a 0719 07b6 0061 1904 b0     exception handler table:     bci [35, 114] => handler: 117   stackmap table:     full_frame(@38,{object[#143],object[#145],integer,object[#81],object[#147],top,object[#40]},{})     full_frame(@60,{object[#143],object[#145],integer,object[#81],object[#147],object[#40]},{})     chop_frame(@104,1)     same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@117,object[#71])     same_frame(@124)      @ java.lang.class.forname0(native method)     @ java.lang.class.forname(     @     @     @ edu.emory.clir.clearnlp.coreference.sieve.speakeridentification.<init>(     @ edu.emory.clir.clearnlp.coreference.config.sievesystemcongiuration.loaddefaultsieves(     @ edu.drexel.gameailab.clearnlpservlet.doget(     @ edu.drexel.gameailab.clearnlpservlet.dopost(     @ javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service(     @ javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service(     @ org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.servletholder.handle( 

in order dismiss kinds of errors, i've cleaned project several times, deleted every single .class file found. updated dependencies (jars) latest version , more obscure jars not find new versions tracked source code , dumped along sources ensure it's being compiled again jvm.

regarding setup, web interface clearnlp parser project using servlets (jetty) , google app engine. know there limitations on gae , have rewritten file access parts troublesome. went though same process stanford corenlp , there no issues once rewritten.

the at edu.emory.clir.clearnlp.coreference.sieve.speakeridentification.<init>( initializing collections: private final set<string> firstpersonsingularpronouns = dsutils.tohashset("i", "me", "my", "mine"); , below there source code

import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.field; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.arrays; import java.util.collection; import java.util.collections; import java.util.hashmap; import java.util.hashset; import java.util.list; import; import java.util.priorityqueue; import java.util.random; import java.util.set; import java.util.regex.pattern;  import edu.emory.clir.clearnlp.collection.list.floatarraylist; import edu.emory.clir.clearnlp.collection.pair.doubleintpair; import edu.emory.clir.clearnlp.collection.pair.pair;  public class dsutils { [...]      @suppresswarnings("unchecked")     static public <t>set<t> tohashset(t... items)     {         set<t> set = new hashset<t>(items.length);         (t item : items) set.add(item);         return set;     } 

anyone has pointer on should looking @ next? gae corrupting class files? how fix it? don't have source code or, belong gae sdk, in release: 1.9.30. not sure if relevant i'm on osx 10.11.2 using apple's jdk1.8.0_60.

the problem in code generated createstringhashmap method, , if using eclipse compile code, bug in eclipse compiler because of generating wrong byte code. see if can identify portion of code causing problem , file bug eclipse. recommend try more recent version of eclipse aren't on 1 already.


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